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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Oh come on you know you love them I quite like his pink boxers the best though lol
  2. Yeah but we had a plan... as soon as the show started, the whole group of like 7 of us started jumping up and down - and to the left - and managed to push him over like a foot to get our spots back
  3. I was the first one to ask for one, I didn't know if he would do it but he just jumped right in
  4. Yes! He and his boyfriend kept shoving us and finally my friend (who's about five foot nothing) was like "Excuse me, could you PLEASE stop pushing us, because I've lost my spot in the front row now and you are actually really hurting us!!!" and he just said "Sorry, honey, we were here first."
  5. Um. THE HUG. But for the actual concert, just the looks of happiness and amazement he got everytime we were singing along super loud. It's so cool that he's never been here before and yet we were SOOO into it. We knew all the words...though pretty sure I was the only one singing along to Holy Johnny and HMDYLM
  6. OMG maybe it was the same gay guy that was pushing me???? Because he was in between us I think...
  7. She was exact front, exact middle from what I could see. But she looked really bored whenever I looked over at her
  8. has she been to a ton of other Mika concerts?
  9. Yes I just quoted myself. How can Norwalk say that the audience sucked when Mika's never been here before and still we ALL sang along so loudly, energetically, brilliantly? Just watch the GK, SITM, or Little bit of love ones...
  10. Not to be too pessimistic, but it takes at least a day to drive from Minneapolis to SLC. But don't worry, I'm sure he'll be there
  11. I hope he loved it! ...and he'd better keep it That really was two months ago, wasn't it?
  12. You're going to have an amazing time!!!!
  13. Thank you for calling me Jess! Even though I couldn't hear like, anything You reassured my friends long enough for them to stay a least a little bit longer, and by then we were told for sure that Mika was gonna come talk to us.
  14. I didn't take many videos but here they are... SITM with the audience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGiQEusdKmU Introducing Billy Brown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ1CdiYRqfU the best part of MM : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s12NIJkVl3A audience singing GK : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SznhBv7dTUE Little bit of love... : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V195LrjKRd4
  15. So afterwards, a little group of us went to wait for him to come out and talk to us and stuff. So we lined up at this one side door that led right into the venue. But the staff woman that was at that door said that there was NO WAY Mika would come out of that door. She guaranteed it. But the door was open and we could see Mika inside with fans. Andy was filming and the band was there too. So it was extra frustrating because we could see him for the whole time we were outside in the lovely 10 degree weather waiting for him. Justine (juju27) saved the day though, because she found a way to get back inside, which we were told was impossible to do. Apparently she told the security people a sob story and they let her back in She talked to Mika's manager (I think?) and he told her that Mika would come out to see us in a few minutes. It had only been like a half an hour, and Mika came straight out that door that the woman had guaranteed he wouldn't come out of There weren't that many of us at all, and I think we all got what we wanted signed and everything. He was in a good mood and gave out hugs to everyone who asked. Justine even kissed him on the cheek! Another thing, a different security guard guaranteed us Mika wouldn't take pictures because he needed to get out fast. But Mika took pictures with everyone who asked My friends and I had a stuffed Snoopy that we had gotten for him. We put a cape on it, because Mika said if he could be a superhero, he'd be Snoopy. And the cape was made of a MN flag because Snoopy's from St. Paul. When I got to talk to him, I said, "Mika, we have a present for you!" and he saw it and got this really happy look on his face and said "Snoopy!!!" and took it from me. I said, "And you said that if you could be a superhero, you'd be Snoopy" and he was like "yes I would!" and I said "so we put a cape on him." he said he loved it and had seen us waving it around during the concert. I asked him for a hug and got the first hug of the night He also signed my ticket. I took a few pictures but it felt really awkward because there were so few people and we were so close to him that I thought it would be rude, but he didn't seem to mind. He's such a sweetheart!
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