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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Then came the waiting. And waiting. And waiting. We waited for over two hours before he came out. And we had nothing to do but listen to the techno music that was playing. No opening act. But finally, the concert starts and we all go mental. I was actually super close, right on the barrier. First Avenue's really small, only holds like 1500 people. The stage is really small too, so I didn't know how they were gonna do some of the things they'd been doing. For instance, the inflatable Big Girl wasn't on stage, she was off to the side of the stage on the ground. After Relax, Mika told us that he and the band were really intimidated at the thought of playing a gig at First Avenue because he said something like First Ave is "in the handbook of pop music". Then he said "But with an audience as amazing as you, we don't give a f***!" and we all went crazy. We were singing along to EVERYTHING, which surprised me since I didn't think he had that many fans here. It surprised him too, he kept getting this gigantic smile of amazement when we knew all the words. He kept turning the microphone out so we could sing like whole choruses and stuff. And I'll swear to my death that he looked at me a few times. The crowd was deafening. Especially for being such a (relatively) small amount of people, it was insane. He didn't pull people up on stage for Lollipop, probably because the stage was so small. But he did have a little accident during the song! He was holding the microphone with one hand and a balloon with the other, and another balloon came flying in, hit his balloon which in turn smashed his mic into his mouth. He turned away and held his mouth, but when he turned back he was smiling. There was blood on his hand though! And there was only one Lollipop Girl, and two Big Girls.
  2. So about 5 of my friends and I bolted out of school and drove to Mpls as soon as school was over. We got there at like 3. Megan and her group were already there. It started out really nice, it was about 30 degrees and sunny. But over the next few hours, the sun went down and it dropped to about 10 degrees There really weren't that many people lining up at all. I remember the NYC gig I went to, people were all around the entire place. We just had a little line. The band kept walking by, and I don't know whether it was because people didn't know who they were or because we're Minnesotans that don't like to bother people, but no one really said much to them. Not in a bad way though. At one point, Mikey and Saranayde went to Starbucks, which was like a block away The heaters outside in the line were beautiful. Lifesavers. Andy was out there, filming traffic, so we called him over and he talked to me and my friends for like a long time. He asked why it was a big deal that Mika came to MN, why it's so special that he's playing at First Avenue (LEGEND) , and stuff like that. The camera was mostly on me the whole time Mika sneaked in through a different door though, so we didn't see him beforehand. Andy said he was late for soundcheck. We also stole the NY people's idea and had pizza delivered. Actually, we had Diet Coke and a Pizza delivered, no joke Then at 6 they let us in!
  3. Just got back. No opening act. Had to stand around for two hours listening to repetitive techno music. Ended sometime between 9:30 and 10. I will write a full report soon.
  4. Ooh how I hate you Don't you have school though?
  5. Dunno if this has already been posted, but Love Today was featured on the wonderful Intros round of Never Mind the Buzzcocks! For those of you who don't watch, NMTB is a panel game where all of the questions have to do with music. The intros round is where the contestants have to sing the intro to a song for their teammate to guess. And it was quite funny to hear like 5 guys trying to sing the introduction to Love Today here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3xvyvTspNI -fast forward to about 4:31 to see/hear it!
  6. Norwalk! What time are you going to line up on Wednesday?
  7. K surriously. What time are people lining up? I'm going straight from my school, which gets out at 2:10. It's about 20-30 minutes away depending on traffic.
  8. my phone rang during second hour and i freaked out, thought it was Mika's people... but it was only my weekend alarm clock that I forgot to turn off
  9. Minneapolis concert is Wednesday! And I thought I possibly had a good chance anyway since there aren't that many people going to the Minneapolis concert. It's the only show on this tour that hasn't sold out and the venue only holds maybe 1500 people. There couldn't possibly have been that many people applying for MPLS lollipop girls, could there?
  10. I know I probably sound incredibly desperate, but since a Chicago LG was called today, is there still a chance for a Minneapolis LG to be called you think?
  11. I'm so happy for everyone who got picked!!!! ...but I still feel bummed...
  12. lovempls


    stfu what part of Minnesota?! Yay! There's more of us! Welcome!!!
  13. I think we're tied with SLC for least MFC'ers going to the gig
  14. Hmm... I'm giving him something on the 6th, but if I post it here, what if he reads this? It'll ruin the surprise!
  15. Lol we should have a big MFC chart with everyone's username and real name.
  16. not quite. though as i was flipping around tonight, I saw that ice skating was on. perhaps he was watching that. :roftl: oh, and my name's Clare by the way. that might make it easier for y'all.
  17. welcome! you will have SO much fun here!
  18. Don't they have another brother too? bet he feels left out.
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