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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Ah, well. I could've sworn you thought of it during our gift-brainstorming myspace messages
  2. as sad as it is, the majority of Americans don't agree with the war, and yet it's still going on. such a democracy, aren't we?
  3. I think the flag/cape was Jess' idea... or at least the cape itself was. Gotta give her credit! No, he'll put it in his new MFC shrine!!!
  4. Thanks, I would just die if I got to hear the Mika giggle in person! And your present is AMAZING, I wish I had that much talent! He'll love it!
  5. I'm not a fan of him but Bush does not equal the American government. It's not a dictatorship. He's only a piece of the gov't. The Congress and Supreme Court both have just as much power as he does. I know it's not what you were saying, sorry, just had to make a point. I think people believe Bush has more power than he actually does.
  6. Remember when Mika said that if he could be a superhero, he'd be Snoopy? Well, Snoopy's from right here in St. Paul, so my friends and I got him a Snoopy stuffed animal and put a cape on him. And the cape's made out of the flag of Minnesota. It looks adorable! It's just a big thanks to him for coming here and a hope he'll come here again!
  7. Ooh, let's talk about presents! What have you given/will you give to Mika?
  8. Well then when are they gonna call *nervous*
  9. I still wanna know when Mika is my hero got the call. If it was tonight then there's a small chance for those of us who haven't gotten a call... ...I'm way too desperate
  10. I don't think that they would tell you you're a LG and then not let you do it.
  11. Yeah, did they just call now? Because if that's true, then there's still hope for the rest of us!
  12. Uh... he didn't play here last January... I don't think... :punk:
  13. fdhngosrahfsdlafndjkdsn!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is it that this article was in my city and I didn't even see it?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  14. There's a coat check at the club I'm going to, but I don't wanna risk taking too much time there and not getting front row, so I'm gonna run to the front and then like stand on my winter jacket lol
  15. Yeah, I think so. *is incredibly nervous*
  16. And your gigantic MFC daylong campout sounded like SO MUCH FUN.
  17. Yeah, you think he'll do it here? the stage is REALLY close to the people, barely any barrier at all. It's a small place, maybe 1000 people.
  18. I read it, I'm insanely jealous, and still mad you wouldn't tell me in your text!
  19. I'm not watching (don't hurt me!) - what song is it?
  20. Welcome to the MFC, emily! Can't wait to see you there!
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