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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Just the way you said it was just so... it was completely generalizing and was a stereotype that isn't true. I mean, that would be offensive to some people. Rap is a big part of our culture because we invented it. But think of all the amazing, original, inventive rock, pop, folk, etc music that's come out of America too. Just because MTV plays rap like that doesn't mean that that's all that Americans like. Hell, I would say Country music's more popular here than gangsta rap is, it's just not what's being played on MTV.
  2. Do not worry about Philly being cold. It's 40 degrees there right now.
  3. I'd just like to agree with kk448 and say that those people that are protesting Heath Ledger's funeral are indeed a small small group of people - less than 100. It's one family that calls themselves the Westboro Baptist Church and they are in NO WAY indicative of America as a whole. Please, please, do not judge the US based on crazy groups like them. We're quite nice, really
  4. I have a feeling that if it's still -35 on the day of the concert, I may be the only one Mika-obsessed enough to stand outside for hours. That means first row for me!
  5. I just checked again and it's -35. Remind me again why I live here?
  6. I'm jealous You guys got snow. It's too cold to snow here right now. Does it snow often where you live?
  7. Obviously you've never seen Jesus Camp. Holy blanket statement, Batman! That may be true for some people, but in my opinion, it's not just that we're not interested. I think it's a location thing. Americans are SO isolated. We live in this gigantic country with 50 states. Many of these states are bigger than a European country. Hell, the entire island of Great Britain can easily fit inside the state that I live in with 7,000 sq mi to spare. I would say that Americans are just as informed about the states surrounding them as Europeans are about the countries surrounding them. It's just that Europeans get to say they're more cultured, because they happen to be countries, not states. Seriously, though, I feel like I'm missing out on the world because I'm stuck in the middle of the USA and all there is here is farms, snow, and lakes. As for Mika not being popular, well, I agree with what was originally said about males having to be strong and masculine and can't be feminine at all. After all, our country was built by cowboys and frontiersmen, so that's what we look to as the ideal man. A Davy Crockett kinda guy
  8. afjkdmkwevqijvoiwrnfirohoqp. It's -27 degrees Fahrenheit outside right now.
  9. Yeah, it's from Out. it's an American magazine.
  10. I swear to God I will be coming back tomorrow... finals take up way too much time...
  11. Not a whip' date=' just his shirt! ...or a matching tie, or something [img']http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/hugh_crazy/mika/354a.jpg[/img]
  12. Yeah it's basically where Prince got his start We should meet up. When is everyone getting there?
  13. I know this is coming from the point of view of an American, and I know that there are tragedies and disgusting and terrible things happening all over the world, but could you please not minimize the atrocity of what happened on September 11? About 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered, including hundreds of heroic firefighters, paramedics, and police officers. Three infinitely important and significant buildings were attacked, with two of those being completely demolished and destroyed. I'm not gonna continue because the attacks had immeasurable consequences for the city of NYC and the US in general. I'm very sorry if that wasn't your intention, this isn't meant with any offense to you. I'm just a little sensitive about this, I guess. National bias.
  14. If those churches are indeed preaching that as Catholics, we should believe in Creationism, then those churches are going against Catholic doctrine. (My mom works for the Archbishop in my archdiocese so I know a thing or two about Catholic law ) While the Church doesn't necessarily endorse Evolution as the ultimate truth, they say that Catholics can accept it because it is scientific, and religious people shouldn't shy away from science. What the Catholic Church does preach as a fact is that the Creation stories in Genesis are myth and not to be taken literally. Not to mention that there are two different Creation stories and they contradict each other in some ways. The Catholic Church does not condone the Fundamentalist interpretation of the creation stories (or any of the Bible's stories), therefore, they do not agree with Creationism.
  15. Aww Norwalk's gone, I was gonna ask about the caucus
  16. Do they just teach about the creationist theory or do they endorse it? (I'm not being snotty, I'm actually genuinely curious because Catholicism doesn't endorse Creationism as Truth.) And do they teach Creationism or Theistic Evolution or both?
  17. It's not from an episode, it's from the SP movie, but it's all good That movie is amazing. And so is Ross.
  18. My favorite part is when he built the pyramids and beat up Kublai Khan. :roftl: And your avatar is pretty amazing too
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