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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. That was my typing mistake. I obviously know that they have the same views on the matter. When I typed what I said at the time I was just grasping at names of religions to prove a point - a point that really has nothing to do with this . Trust me, I've gone to nothing but Catholic schools my entire life. That's a lot of religion classes to sit through. I know all about the development of these religions from the different sons of Abraham, the view of Jesus and Moses as prophets, the same stories in the bible and the koran, and everything. I completely know the similarities. Just thought I'd clarify that about myself
  2. Hey y'all, I have a question for you. So I know that Mika like Peanuts, because he said in an interview once that if he could be any superhero he'd be Snoopy. Well he's coming to Minneapolis/St. Paul, and for the past like 5 years we've been putting up TONS of statues of Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Woodstock, and Linus up around the cities. So my question is, when I'm getting him to sign my stuff after the concert, is the statue thing worth mentioning to him? Or would it just be like: "Hey Mika, I know you like cartoons and Peanuts, here's a fun fact: take a drive around the cities and you'll see lots of statues of them!" and he'd be like "Oh..." *moves away from weird girl* thanks
  3. They usually don't let you because during your period you have a lower iron level in your system and they only allow people with a certain iron level donate blood. So it's not directly because of your period, it just has to do with iron levels. That is, if you're talking about donating blood
  4. Doesn't his guitar pick necklace say "Ibiza Rocks" on it? Or am I thinking of a different one...
  5. Yup. Muscle, not fat. I wonder if he works out? Or maybe all the crazy jumping around onstage is enough
  6. heehee I know whoever took it deserves a medal!
  7. that's exactly what I think, I mean, look: that looks like muscles rather than fat to me.
  8. When she said "more hair than body fat" she meant the poof of hair on his head, not the hair on his body dirty minds, dirty minds.
  9. LOL I don't think anyone on the planet could call him fat and mean it. What did that one radio DJ say... he looks like he has more hair than body fat!
  10. I miss them too, they always fell off Though I guess they wouldn't anymore
  11. For some reason I don't think they fit before either...
  12. You should see it, it's amazing. Google it
  13. I just watched that one today! Fingerbang! But, personally, I like Faith Plus One much better
  14. But for part of it I got to write about the movie Dogma!
  15. Yeah, it's me being an ignorant city folk. I guess I lump every town that's not right next to a major city as "middle of nowhere"
  16. Um, isn't Notre Dame kinda in the middle of nowhere too? At least that's the impression I get when I go there. Maybe I'm just a crazy city person. Stupid ginormous theology research paper......
  17. I am not a fan of that show. That's why I love the South Park episode where Cartman tries to get FG off of the air because he hates it so much. Everything he says about that show is sooo true But I think this is supposed to be a politics thread lol....
  18. At least you have Napolean Dynamite. We have farms, country music, WINTER, and hockey. but i LOVE hockey
  19. And my sister! lol. She goes to school there!
  20. Yeah, he's 18. It's funny, he actually like talked me through the song and told me what was incorrect about it and stuff. It was cool, though, he didn't do it in a weird way And yeah, how brilliant is that show? It's dumb to get offended by it. One of my favorite episodes is one that basically destroys Catholicism, and I'm Catholic Just to get my POV in here, I'm religious but I strongly believe in the theory of evolution.
  21. I didn't know that you're mormon, that's really cool. I have a friend who's a mormon priest (I dunno if that's the right term ). Do you get offended by the South Park mormon song?
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