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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. thank God I go to a Catholic school - for once I'm actually grateful for the uniforms!
  2. That works . I was thinking of these: So what are we spying next, Romis?
  3. Does anyone know what his bracelet says? it looks like 'tahiti'
  4. rain boots, rubber boots
  5. light blue pants, orange shirt
  6. ahaha I have that picture but I've done too many already, I'm not gonna post it
  7. I spy Mika wearing boxing gloves...
  8. I spy Mika in a bathtub! (clothed of course )
  9. I spy Mika wearing a hat
  10. I spy Mika kissing someone
  11. Very nice. But what are we spying?
  12. Thanks... you certainly know quite a bit *coughstalkercough*
  13. I thought Zuleika was his cousin? I'm so out of the loop...
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