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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. I have his plectrum from Oakland on my wall right now Karin, you look beautiful as always. And Jimmy.... :wub2:
  2. Jimmy's my favorite I tended to stand more stage right at the concerts, so I couldn't get great pictures, but I have a few.
  3. Yeah this makes sense. Sigh. I hope he's seeing someone - I just want our OFB to be happy!
  4. Thanks, it would be really cool to work with you! But you're right, Amsterdam and LA aren't exactly close
  5. I know I'm way late in this thread, but if you guys ever do another doc in the future, let me know. I'm in film school in LA right now and my ultimate goal is to be a documentary filmmaker This would be something I'd love to take on. And I'm surrounded by the best technology and the most talented filmmakers who could lend their expertise on every technical aspect of it - it would be amazing. On another note, I've often wondered if Mika's management would let me make my big senior year thesis documentary about him. A girl can dream, I guess...
  6. So my plans of starting an official FFC are shot??? Seriously, though, he's my age....
  7. lovempls


    Hey! Welcome to the MFC, I'm sure you'll have tons of fun here!
  8. Welcome to the MFC! Hope you have fun!
  9. Your English is great! Welcome to the MFC!
  10. You'll find many other Mika obsessed people here Welcome to the MFC!
  11. lovempls


    Your English is great! Welcome!
  12. Do you want me to post them for you, Kira?
  13. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10370 It's a long-lasting MFC mystery...
  14. My question is... Mika! WTF is the Fingertips song???
  15. Sivan! I love you! When you described it to us earlier, I thought it would turn out amazing - but this is so much cooler than I could have ever imagined! FANTASTIC job, amiga! You are so freakin talented!!
  16. Yeah, each was a different person. Again, thank you guys so much for all the wonderful comments! I appreciate it so, so much
  17. This song makes me wanna move to NYC! Screw LA
  18. She certainly has seemed like it all night, especially during the preshow
  19. It's true, the list is only for people who perform or present. There's still hope!
  20. Do they usually announce Best Male near the beginning or near the end?
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