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Everything posted by lovempls

  1. Hey!! You have no idea how much we wished you were behind us in Oakland too! There were really mean people behind us in Oakland, yelling at us that we had to move to the back of the line Drama! Mana (lollipop_monkey) had to talk to them and straighten them out! We missed you guys!
  2. OKAY! Here's my Photobucket album, I think they may be in reverse order, so I'm sorry if you need to search for stuff. It's the whole weekend, so there's a lot of MFC pictures as well as MIKA pictures http://s831.photobucket.com/albums/zz236/lovempls/MIKA%20Weekend/
  3. OKAY! Here's my Photobucket album, I think they may be in reverse order, so I'm sorry if you need to search for stuff. It's the whole weekend, so there's a lot of MFC pictures as well as MIKA pictures http://s831.photobucket.com/albums/zz236/lovempls/MIKA%20Weekend/
  4. LOL have you seen A Clockwork Orange? It's totally perfect for the character I was dressed up as The keychains were at a little shop on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, they were perfect for Mika!
  5. I'm trying to upload my pictures onto Photobucket, but I've already put my pictures from the whole weekend on Facebook. They're small and not very good quality, but they're all there! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2021540&id=1276530133&l=21584a8153
  6. I'm trying to upload my pictures onto Photobucket, but I've already but my pictures from the whole weekend on Facebook. They're small and not very good quality, but they're all there! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2021540&id=1276530133&l=21584a8153
  7. ....... ok I give in. :roftl: But if he objects I'm taking it down!
  8. We you in that group of three girls right behind us? Who were helping us make sure to get front row spots?
  9. Hey Taylor, thanks for posting the Jimmy picture Remember this? Like ten minutes after we first met!! Now look at us!
  10. I wanted to put that one up but I don't know that he'd approve ...
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen, the best text I have ever received, courtesy of the Toaster (while waiting for Mika to come onstage ) :
  12. I'm not so much suffering PMD as PMFCD I miss you guys so much! Here's a short video I made of the singalong-y parts of the LA concert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0gEioDR1aE
  13. Sivan's coming up with us to Oakland... she just doesn't know it yet
  14. OK. So I left for Burbank at like 12:45 and got Warner Brothers Studios a little bit after Nono, Sivan and Mellody got there (I think?). We all were waiting in this big waiting area in the parking structure. There were tons of other people there but they all had tickets, so we were just clinging to hope that perhaps we'd be able to get in! I got there with just an expectation of maybe seeing Mika when he drove out, but then the mods were AMAZING and somehow we got 4 VIP tickets for the show!! It was quite a happy moment We asked a page if we could sit on the side of the audience where Mika would perform and she said yes So after we got in the studio, we ended up sitting third row up on the left side (where the musical guest goes). The show seemed to fly by, first David Spade and then John C Reilly and there was a young girl who got interviewed too. While the last interview was going on, Nono and I could see a little bit of the people setting up for Mika's performance, it was cool Then it was Mika time, and he was so much fun and so smiley and had some awesome dance moves. He's just so darn cute He sang BIOTG, starting at the piano like he usually does and then dancing around. All four of us had our arms up, dancing and singing the whole time so I hope we caught his attention and he could see us. We definitely cheered loudly whenever they mentioned him and before/during/after his performance Then it was all over in a flash! We figured out where the guests leave and we stood on the side of the road for a little bit, waiting for him. Then we saw the black SUV and it looked like Allison (sp?) in the front seat, and I saw her point at us and say something to someone in the backseat. So Mika's car stopped and he rolled down the window and there was Mama P, Yasmine, and Mika. They all had such big smiles and looked so happy to see us! We all shouted thank you thank you thank you for the tickets, and Mellody asked if Mika was going to have a Twitter party tomorrow night. Mika said he's busy tomorrow night so he can't I asked him about the dress code for Friday and he asked us to choose either 1950's or Space themed. I think we chose space themed but then later we were like wtf are we gonna wear??? We talked about some other things I think but I can't really remember.... it was hard to hear him. Anyway, Mika was adorable and SO nice for stopping the car and talking to us. We all went out to eat afterwards and we can't wait til Friday And THANK YOU to the Deb for the tickets!!!
  15. First of all... here's my flickr account to see the pictures of us before/after the gig. No camera inside, so no Mika pictures : http://www.flickr.com/photos/32172634@N05/
  16. Stop acting like you're not coming to Oakland... you know you're going to
  17. Hey guys, just got back, will post report/pictures shortly
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