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About Tries.anything.once.

  • Birthday 01/01/1983


  • Bio
    Wilhelmina Brown.

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  • Occupation
    Domestic Boredom.
  1. So...when do we start telling our secrets. I haven't actually read any except for the first example.
  2. This might be very possible for me. It could be my world of escapism for just a few days (away from domesticity). But I might be tempted never to come back home. The dodgy holiday that I can relate to with Billy.
  3. I've become familiar with both of your posts as I lurked here over the last few months. I feel a certain virtual kinship. Scut Monkey - is your MySpace picture depicting you as the monkey? Or are you really the person in the scrubs? elanorelle - I don't know if I'm bisexual. How would one define him/herself if he/she has never had intimacy with the same sex and might never allow it to happen?
  4. I've discovered that I'm bi-curious too. Except now, I'm married with kids...so...I can't really explore much more at this time in my life... That's what you get when you have been brought up with the "standard" lifestyle
  5. I'm new...and I already don't give a damn what floats his boat
  6. Thank you for welcoming me. This is my first time on a forum. I don't want to be dramatic but Mika's music has helped me reconsider a lot of things in life - like Billy Brown. Except I am the female version who has the cautionary husband. But no, I have not cheated on him.
  7. I just did my first post a few hours ago. Its quite intimidating. I have visited this site for several months now and I have become familiar with some of the popular posters. Everyone is friendly and it seems that there are good intentions to deal with issues here fairly.
  8. Hi. I've been reading a lot of things here on the Mika Fan Club site for months. I can relate to many of the different groups here and this is one of them. I am in my thirties so I guess I'm an "Oldling". I just figured out the "chicken" meaning. That is very funny. The only thing I don't understand however, is the penguin reference. Sorry, I tried to figure it out but I'm confused and I'm not sure if I'm mixing this up with another group of people. I think there is a penquin thread. Is Reni the same person as Rak and Rose?
  9. Is there a "bi" thread or a "bi-curious" thread? Or is this the "category". It doesn't matter to me really. I was just wondering. I'm new and not sure if I used the "search" right.
  10. Was Billy Brown really a "victim of the times"? What about his wife and 2 kids? Regardless of whether or not Mika puts the underdogs on pedestals or whether someone is straight, gay or bi, - Billy Brown left his family.
  11. Well hello... I have been here awhile...lurking. Got some guts tonight to post my introduction.
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