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Big Girlie

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Everything posted by Big Girlie

  1. omg this thread is amazing! Especially the first page is soooooo supercute!!!!
  2. omg meeee tooo!!!! I really love him and the version "Any other world" no other artist shows more feelings on stage than him...and I get a feeling I really can't describe, when 55000 people sining "Any other world" (this one is good...but there is abso-****ing-lutley no smiley for it...)
  3. aww ok my lovely fourplets...g2g now...you have to know that I wanted to go one hour before...I write Chemistryexam tomorow God...ähh...Mika help me Sweet drems huns!
  4. I swear: Someday we'll go there together! g2g now hun! Se ya tomorrow :huglove::snog:

  5. omg sammy!!! Do you know how amazing you are???? I sat like that in front of the pc while watching the vid on you tube: one republic "coming home":shocked::wub2: it's soooooo wonderful!!!! :mf_lustslow:

  6. hahah Keti ur amazing "****ty" is much better or the best: Abso-fukcking-lutely...today, don't think I'm crazy, I heard the part where he is saying that more than 20 times xD My mum was going crazy!
  7. awww jaaa ich hätte auch fast geheult, aber ich musste mich richtig zusammenreißen, weil es sooo unglaublich echt war und ich iwie weiß, dass das soooo furchtbar unwirklich ist und das macht mich wahnsinnig...


    ok dann lass hier schreiben und nicht im Laberfred xD also erzähl mir was über...mom schreibs lieder per PM xD

  8. wahhh omg really??? Pink??? omg he's sooooooooooo amazing :woot_jump:


    oh gosh xD twice xD I if would be half as confused as I am I might had found that out :stretcher: xD


    wahhh yes! I wanna go to London, too! Do we want to live together later?? In a (in German is WG?!...it's when you live together with more people in one flat :blink:) Have you ever been to Paris?? I was exactly á la Gare du Nord!!! After I saw this I was like that : woot_jump: Paris is soooo unbelieveable amazing!!! :wub2:

  9. hahahah yeheees especially chubby bunnys!!!! @Sammy: Yeees oh ok I understand...please post it!!! the ting with the furby is very bad I've never had one because my mum doesn't like them
  10. ohhhhh yes!!!! You have to do it!!! That daydream was sooooooo amazing...if you read my comment u know what I'm thinking about it: PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE GOOO OOOON
  11. hahahah oh noooo but I love rabbits! They're sooo cute!!! Me too I have scarfs all over my knees...I was a wild child too
  12. What's teice?? :boxed:


    haha our law doesn't allow that, too before the age of 16...yes my cousin made his licence and while he was explaining to me I was like that: :shocked: I'll never get into this! But it's soo easy and amzing!!! :mf_lustslow:


    awww when did you flew to london?? I wanna go there, too?! Why didn't you search Mikas house in Kensighton??? xDDD

  13. awwww you're sooo beautiful, too!!!! and why are you pissed???
  14. hahahahahahahahaha sure I liked them xD what a silly question xD :huglove::woot_jump: xD they're really amazing xD hahaha well xD I 'm thinking about Mika who see those pics while reading the forum xDDDDDD :roftl:


    The feeling was amazing! No words!!! No you can't wait that long!! It's sooo amazing xD At first I thought I would crash into the cars but it's soo easy and amazing!!! :woot_jump: Maybe flying is more lovelier (can I say this :boxed:)...but I didn't tried it yet...have you ever been go by plane??? :snog:

  15. haha I laughed soo hart! That's soo amazing xD awwww all pics are sooo sweet! You're all sooo pretty and I'm not by teerez yes Keti I love this smiley, too
  16. fine!! Very fine!!! :woot_jump: I had my first drivelesson!!! And I had to park backwarts...after that she told me that parking backwarts is taught after the third lesson xD :dance_man::stretcher: xD


    ohhhh my god...I'm getting sooo nervous thinking about Mika coming to Germany or Serbia...then we can meet eachother!!!!! :huglove::woot_jump:


    What about the pics??? Did you post them up here? Or is it a secret only between you and me and his package??!!!:naughty::roftl:

  17. I'm sooo happy at the moment...I'm listening to Grace Kelly...French version! Love this!!!
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