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Big Girlie

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Everything posted by Big Girlie

  1. Oh I know this...my mum don't understand either why I'm that osessed...
  2. Oh ****!...my banners are too heavy...how can I put them down at the size of 20 kb??
  3. wow I love it! That's reeeaaaly amazing! ok I made banners, too...but they're not that good..don't know how to work with gimp Did you made it with Gimp?
  4. yeah! I really love it! And the part in wich he says: Abso-****ing-luteley Did you made a banner??? I'm just trying to get into Gimp...
  5. wow how did you get those fireworks in there??
  6. Hi there, hahah Keti!!! Now I know where you sig is from!!!! I love this szene where he get's crazy!
  7. haha I understand you Wow I'm soooooo amazed by this DVD...I cannot find words for it...and I'll never can...just: I'm in love with Mika! that's abso - ****ing - luteley!!!!!
  8. nee ich glaub nicht...aber wär doch mal gut...damit Mika dann auch auf uns aufmerksam wird durch den Fred DMFC...is ne gute Idee...

  9. aww Keti! Ur sooo right! these are my favourite songs, too...yes and I think the sound was perfect!!!!!
  10. aww thank you for answering so u mean we can create our own watersign??
  11. Awww man...did anybody know something about the watersign???
  12. yipeeeeeeeeeee I'm sooooo unbelievable obsessed xD that's crazy?! Aww I just saw, that you come from Portugal!!! I'm learing Spanish now for 1 month! It's funny that you understand the people from Spain but most of them don't understand you! but one thing is clear: We all understand the love that we share with Mika! (Ok that was a bit too much sorry xD) I'm tired...
  13. yiippeeeeee My name is Catharina or Big Girlie...or at Mikasounds and in the DMFC Mikaschnegge
  14. ok and what's about the watersign in the background? Shall we create our own or will the sing be behind every banner?
  15. haha bitteschön! Kein Prolbem :huglove:

  16. yes meee! (I spontaniously desided not going to bed xD I just watched some songs of PdesP )
  17. ok so wha't about the watersign in the background? Shall we create our own or will the sing be behind every banner?
  18. Ok I think I will go to bed...I have to write Biology tomorrow Good night my lovely fourplets
  19. thx but I think everyone is creative! and what's about my question? I just wanna know how far we are allowed to get xD shall we use a watersign, created on our own, in the background or will the same be used???
  20. Wow! U can't imagine how happy I am that there are fans out there who have the same "Crazy-Osession-Mika-Feeling" like :wub2:me!!!!
  21. wahhhhhhhhhhh omg I got it today, too! I can't find any words for it...I really love him! He's sooo amazing! I especially love Any other world and the french version of Grace Kelly...and all the ohter songs and the show and the interview!!!! hahahahahahah his feet are sooo amazing xDD
  22. I have a question can the banner have a subscribtion? And what about the watersign in the background? Will it be the same or shall we find another background?
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