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Big Girlie

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Everything posted by Big Girlie

  1. I hope so xD but on the other hand I think that it would be fun to imagin that :roftl:
  2. yeah I love Spain...I havn't been there bevore, but I like it...But I don't speak Spanish really good...I only can tell you something about my city if you want xD so: Hola, soy de Kronshagen. Es una ciudad pequena (how does the "wave" go? ) a lado de Kiel. Es una ciudad hoven pero hay monumentos antiguos como por ejemplo el ayuntamiento. Kiel es una ciudad universitaria. Aquí son muchos bares y la ambiente es allegre. Yo soy Catharina, I like Mika , tengo diecisiete anos (don't know the "wave" ) y tengo una hermana. Ella se llama Charlotte. Ok that was bad I know
  3. haha ok that would be great Thank you ever... so you love Mika? Me too xD the age doesn't matter
  4. @Keti: yes she did xD and I thought you know more about it @mika-fan: wow I love twilight!!!!!
  5. wow! From the first moment I love it here!!!! Thx Mika only is amazing...another word I can't find for him... urm...ok another question xD Freestyle...I think you know her xD have said in our German Mikafanclub, that Mika does selfchicken while he listen to Mozart?! Where is it from? I've laughed so hard
  6. Hola, tengo una pregunta muy urm...important (I'm sorry...I'm learing Spanish now for 5 weeks or so so I'll better ask in English xD) I want to ask if anyone of you heard from a project named Comenius! Our school in Germany take part in this project and we have the option to make an exchange with Spain or Italy...and I want to ask if anyone here goes to this school wich take part...It's important, because then we could meet and are both Mikafans
  7. Ciao! I've got a really important question! My shool in Germany takes part in a project named Comenius! And we have the option to have an exchange with a shool in Italy oder in Spain...and now I want to know if someone takes part there, too?! It would be great because then we could be+ two Mikafans
  8. hehe great!!! tomorrow I'll buy the DVD!!!! He's sooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 So Freestyle told me, that this Thread is only for fans in this age, so I thought about open another thread: "seventeehnturningeigtheensoonandallMikaobssessives" but ok now I'm here xD
  9. I really love gay people...they are so sweet and are the best friends...me I have a gay friend and he's soooooo amazing!
  10. hi, I've got a question...is this thread only for thirteen or fourteen year old Mikafans or can there be Mika fans who are obsessive of Mika, too?
  11. Gracias Isa! jeje tengo muchas preguntas xD pero estudio las palabras (everyday???? )
  12. omy...I'm learning Spanish now for 5 weeks...I understand a bit...ok I'll try and show you what I've learned xD but it's not much so: Hola! Soy Catharina, soy de Allemania! Vivo en un ciudad en el norte de Allemania! Tengo diecisiete anos! Y vostros? Cómo estáis?
  13. ok!!! I wish you all the best!!! Shoot them away!!! :naughty:
  14. hö?? What time is it in your country? Where are you from???
  15. hehe do you really mean me???
  16. thx I think it's a bit too expensive, but it's a good price for that what I get there!!!
  17. I don't know them...but I like Starbucks because of this story: I met all of my friends from our german Mikafanclub at Starbucks xD one in Berlink, one in Hamburg and three in Essen xD That was great xD and that's one reason for me loving Starbucks xD
  18. Do you like Starbucks or not?! Is it too expensive? Explain you ideas about Starucks! Me, I love Starbucks
  19. haha this smiley reminds me of my twiglets xD I like the scene in wich Mr Bean prepares twiglets for his Sylvester party
  20. Yes he is a great artist! Without the sign: I'm from the superstarfactory!!!
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