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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Went to the 'Action' (it's a shop in The Netherlands, but I think it's in Belgium too) and found this Starlight for €0.99 They sell them in different colours and the light changes into different colours...
  2. Tomorrow I will buy the heart-shaped balloons! Think it's easier then the modelling balloons, cause modelling before the concert isn't really possible because everyone has to hold their balloons all the time and modelling during the concert isn't that easy. So I'll just buy heart-shaped balloons and give them to everyone around me; they can blow up themselves during 'Origin of Love'. I'm perfectioning my starlight shaped bycicle light... but I'll see if I can find some Christmas decoration lights in the shape of a star. The bubbles are already bought! This has to be great!
  3. Maybe it's all about 'working times': when you are under the age of 18 in The Netherlands, you are not permitted to work after 23:00 hour. I guess it's different in every European country, so maybe this is the reason why they have chosen the age of 21. Otherwise I don't have a clue...
  4. Facebook: On Set of Underwater Video in LA! Look out for more photos & updates on the new video here & @mikasounds https://twitter.com/mikasounds Edit: The pictures were already posted in this thread and in the 'Underwater video' thread.
  5. What a lovely action, like it! But now I have that song stuck in my head again: Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs...
  6. First of all Kaito... your picture/drawing on Mika's facebook page is lovely! Thanks for making everyone aware of the plans! Like the ideas that we've come up with so far! In the meantime I made my 'Stardust light' and next week I'll buy some heart-shaped or modelling balloons (I can share them while we are queueing) and the bubble blower. I don't want to be a pain in the ass for other people, so I guess we should only use those balloons during the 'Origin of Love'.
  7. Thought I was the only one, that didn't understand what Mika's referring to...
  8. Iew, this picture reminds me of a performance from 'The Ringmasters' (they gave a performance in a Dutch tv show, skip to 01.15).... Mika don't dare to dance like that! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no-W04ojJZM
  9. Facebook: "Well done to Silvie Turpin + guest who won the last pair of tickets for Mika’s show in LA on Monday night. Have a great time! Stay tuned for more ticket comps soon everyone…"
  10. Just got a message from L'Oreal... won a free Spotify account for three months. That was absolutely not the reason for taking part in this competition, I only wanted to see Mika (gladly Dutchannie was so kind for taking me with her). Totally forgot that they were giving away those accounts. Never used Spotify betere, so let's see if Mika's music is on there.
  11. I adore your work Zsina, I'm glad you're back! With the new album I got some inspiration, it took me some time...
  12. Although I can't sing (I think I can play the triangle, does that count too?) and will not enter upcoming competitions, I can't agree with you more. You formulated it so well! Mika appreciates all the different talents of his fans (doodling, filming, photography, singing) and that's really special in my opinion! I appreciate that in return.
  13. Lovely drawing Maaikie! I can recognize you all very well on this drawing!
  14. Have been thinking about the stars... Instead of glow in the dark stars, it's maybe better to use lights in the shape of a little star. There are different online shops were you can buy star-shaped led lights, but I don't have any experience with ordering. So maybe it's an option to make a star-shaped light out of a a bicycle led light (working on a battery). I experimented very quick. I used a black fabric, but I guess it's easier to use black tape instead; just draw a star on the led light and then cover the outer edges with tape. Just for the idea (it isn't neat at all, it was just an experiment with the fabric). Edit: there are shops who are selling Christmas lightning already, will check if they sell star-shaped lights.
  15. I like the idea of doing different things (some people of MFC did it during the Amsterdam showcase)! Though it doesn't have to be to much, otherwise I'll feel like a pack donkey (and I want to see the concert of course, haha). But doing somethig during two or three songs, will be okay for me. Don't know if 'glow in the dark stars' will have effect, though it would be very nice during stardust! They have to 'charge' for a while in the light and I don't know if there is enough opportunity to charge them before going into the venue (I don't want to set my hope on the sun).
  16. Saw a picture of it on Mika's facebook page, it's gorgeous!
  17. Don't know if a heart shaped balloon will be annoying for other people who are behind? I absolutely don't want to irritate anyone...
  18. Well if you take of one little serpentine piece and blow in it (I did it with carnaval when I was a child) then they will reach quite far. But I don't know if the effect is great... it just pops into my mind that it's quite dark into the venue, so that can be a problem. Skip the kazoo idea! New ideas? Edit: And I'm not going to wear an Adam or Eve costume
  19. You're both right, that's why I pointed out that we should only use them before Mika comes to stage or just one time in between two songs. But there is a risk that people are going to hum through the kazoo during the whole concert... Other ideas?
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