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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Well I have been thinking, maybe we can arrange something nice for this concert as a collective! It doesn't have to be expensive, but just something fun. We've seen paper planes, heart shaped lights, toilet paper, bubble blower and so on... so who has a new brilliant idea (it has to be something that everyone can purchase quite easily or make themselves). In the 'Paradiso' thread they were already talking about pompoms and a lightning cross, so we can't do the same at the Brussels concert. Here are some ideas that came up to my mind, but I'm curious if you guys have some other ideas! - Blowing silver and gold 'serpentine' (Because I've no idea how it's called in English, I'll just post a picture at the end of this post). - Throwing own folded heart shaped paper planes, although I'm afraid to hurt anyone... - Using kazoo's, not during the concert but if Mika has to come onto stage or just one time in between two songs. It's a really funny instrument, that's really cheap! You use your own voice, by humming into the instrument (just a random video from Youtube ).
  2. Where can I find recordings of the show? Tried YouTube, but apparantly VTM removed the recordings (only the song Celebrate is online).
  3. But the most important thing is that you had the opportunity to see Mika!
  4. Thanks for posting Irene: I guess they made a mistake, indeed. Whoohoo, I might be just in luck... keep my fingers crossed! *With all these competitions lately, I can't use my fingers anymore*
  5. Just saw this on Facebook: Mika is in the house! Vanavond zie je welke plannen deze heren aan het smeden zijn (tonight you will see what plans these gentlemen are making). The show will be broadcasted on the channel VTM at half past ten (A'dam timezone). Unfortunately I can't record it, because it's a Belgium commercial tv-station (I only receive the two public tv-stations). Maybe there is someone else?
  6. What are you serious? Q-music isn't good for you apparently! But I do understand their point... I'm glad that you needed to travel to Brussel anyway and that you could go to the Paul de Leeuw show instead. What was Mika saying about that show: crawling on the ground like an animal? Can't wait to see the show, when will they broadcast it? Why, this car is automatic It's systematic, it's hydromatic Why, it's greased lightning... Got a John Travolta feeling, when I saw Mika on this picture!
  7. At the end it was quite synchronic... I loved the performance! Nice to see it live on tv! Hope you guys had a lovely day; saw that some of you got in!
  8. I don't have it either... but I'm connecting my laptop to the tv The sound is a lot better when I can connect it to the tv!
  9. Oh my, the girls who have "won" at MFC needs to get in! For everyone who's trying to get in, I'm thinking of you! Hope you'll have a lot of fun! I'm installing myself infront of the tv for the live stream... Edit: Found a better one...
  10. Indeed! Or a last minute tweet from the man himself (at L'oreal showcase he tweeted about handdrawn tickets who were available at the venue). But I guess it won't make any difference for me; if it's a last minute tweet, I can't be on time at the venue
  11. It's a great idea, but I'm afraid it won't work at this showcase. I guess they will work with a guestlist: if your name is on the guestlist you can get in. So in that case there is nothing to sell. At the L'oreal showcase in Amsterdam it wasn't allowed to change names on the guestlist; the entrance was personally bound and you had to bring your passport to prove it.
  12. No idea why it took him so long to get his driver license
  13. This picture is just perfect; not only because it's a picture from Mika... It's just a wonderful picture from a kid having so much fun. A pure beam of joy!
  14. I thought that you could win tickets till tomorrow 12.00 o'clock.
  15. Geen ticket gewonnen? Geen probleem: je kan het volledige concert live bekijken vanaf 17u30 op kanaal 39, deze website of in de Q-app. Had je andere plannen zondagavond? Ook geen probleem: we zetten het volledige concert vanaf maandag gratis achter de rode knop van kanaal 39. Translation: No tickets? No problem: you can see the whole concert live from half past five at 'kanaal 39', this website (http://www.q-music.be) or with the Q-app. Other plans on Sundayevening? Again no problem: we put the concert for free upward of Monday at channel 39. So now we know the concert takes place around half past five (timezone A'dam). At least we can see the concert live, if we don't win tickets.
  16. Smokesignal thanks for translating the article! I didn't have time to do it.
  17. Well the different radio connections can also tribute to the fact that some people are quicker than others. We have a cable connection and an antenna connection at home: the antenna is almost 10 seconds a head of the cable. And then there will be also differences by region, I guess. So it's almost mission impossible... but keep up the good hopes!
  18. Whaaat? Q-music shouldn't have called you only for a nice conversation! When I saw your first post I really assumed that you've won tickets... what a disappointment. They should have rewarded you with tickets!
  19. We have a lot of Mika interviews these days! This is a Mika interview in Dutch tv guide Veronica Magazine: Made some quick pictures of the interview... don't have time to translate it now, sorry! Some headlines: The author concludes that Mika isn't sex, drugs and rock and roll (Mika ate three apples in 15 minutes and drunk a lot of water) - Mika tells that he gets his energy from his public and the public from him - Since Mika performs he doesn't walk in his sleep anymore - When Mika get's on stage he falls into a black hole, he doesn't remember 'anything' afterwards - Cutting his hair was a symbolic deed, it was the start of a new life (Mika: "Not only women do it, or maybe I'm a man and woman in one") - When he becomes fifty he wants to paint his hair blue and he wants to take xtc pills like they are M&M's (my oh my) - Mika: "Love makes me a better person" - Mika: "Love is the best that ever happened to me".
  20. Nope... but I'm just glad that a couple of you can go!
  21. I thought I was the only one having problems... I'm such a technical miracle Can't get it working!
  22. Wow that's lovely news, I'm so happy for you guys! The moderators of MFC are just amazing for arranging this!
  23. Ah Stupid game! They ask you to write down your mobile number when you participate in the internet competition. So there is a little chance that they will select you earlier, when you texted a lot in the radio contest.
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