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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Your siggy really suit with the comment! Oh no... Edit: The song itself sounds richer (more instruments and backing vocals), I guess. Can't say what version I like more... Did someone else notice the 'squeaking tones' in the beginning of the song (like someone is slipping on the floor), it's distracting me.
  2. At this moment there are tickets on sale: https://tickets231.ticketmatic.com/addevent.php?a=zCk31bTsqxQ&e=5p4PPh8rkzE&s=80cswBbInpo&l=en Guess, those tickets were booked but not paid... I'll keep my fingers crossed, for you!
  3. In my opinion it's a lovely video, they captured the story behind the song amazingly well! Even though the general public, will not immediately get the essence of the song, I guess. If you are aware of what Mika told in interviews, about the loneliness and the writing process, the video has a second layer. That's just what I love about it.
  4. Thanks for posting, this is awesome indeed!
  5. Want to know it on time too, have to arrange a trip to Amsterdam then... And I guess the 3th of September is my first schoolday, aaah planning! Just and
  6. When you enter the venue, you should make a choice yourself, I guess... anyway that's how it went at other venues.
  7. What is the definition of 'very exclusive' (zeer exclusief)? If we figure that out, we will now how many tickets they distribute... haha
  8. Guess you're right! In the confirmation mail they said, that I'm in the running for a showcase of Mika on the 3th of September. So I guess that everytime you enter the competition, you'll compete for the first upcoming showcase. Well just keep my fingers crossed.
  9. Hope everyone could purchase the tickets! Got an error message the first time I tried... my heartbeat is irresponsible high now, aaah! But if everything went well, I'll receive my tickets by mail (made a couple of print screens, so I can prove that I bought the tickets). I guess the difference between the two categories is, that the more expensive tickets are for seats at the salon and the cheaper tickets are for seats at the balcony... don't know if I'm right.
  10. Damn you guys are fast...! My mother saw the commercial yesterday evening, but couldn't tell me exactly where I could find some information. So a couple of minutes ago I searched for information on Google and I was directed directly to MFC (hoe kan het ook anders, haha). Will the concert be at 3 september this year? In the conditions they state something about the duration of the action: it's from the 17th of July 2012 till the 1th of July 2013? Anyway have to buy some products as soon as possible!
  11. Thank you! Edit: I just noticed... Mika could have cheated easily with the Dutch parts! It's pitch-dark, who nows who is lying under the piano, whispering everything in his ear
  12. Ah, that was so adorable indeed! I'm glad you taped it, can't wait to see it again!
  13. Well, Mika was wondering that too... He mentioned the tv appearance at his performance at Suikerrock (Belgium, 28 July 2012). Mika said that he'd never been so nervous; the thought that he could perform and sing a night later, helped him to struggle through the interview (the man has a low self-esteem, in my opinion his appearance was very entertaining and informative).
  14. My head hurts and I feel the cobblestones still in my buttocks, but the performance of Mika was amazing! The day started with some nice bands and a less pleasant rapduo (I couldn't understand a word, but maybe that's because the raps were in dialect). The bands weren't amazing, but well enough to listen to and to dance on it. During the concert we saw a helicopter flying over the venue... Afterwards we had a speculation about whether Mika was in it (according to Twitter he was in London till afternoon). The more the evening progressed, the less interested I was in the other bands. But then LMFAO came on stage... I'm not a fan of their music, but they gave away a great show: with a lot of dancing, fun and attributes. The Champagne part (at the front rows we got four bottles of Champagne sprayed over us) and the pushy manly teenagers were slightly less fun, but over all I had a great time at LMFAO. Then Mika came on (I guess, 15 minutes too late) and the show was just amazing. Mika's voice sounded really great and the band fitted well. The keyboardist (?) had a great voice and maybe that's where the confusion started about the playbacking. And although I haven't heard her sing a lot solo, I can say that I liked Joy's voice too. Mika was really adorable when he spoke Dutch (I was amazed by his level)! I had my doubts about some of the new songs, but after the concert I can say that I'm in love again with Mika's music. It's as catchy as usual and the lyrics are just fantastic. Even the old songs sounded great in the upgraded versions! The crowd was amazing and I met some nice Mika fans who inaugurated me with a pink heartshaped sticker (thank you). We went backstage after the concert, but the security told us that Mika had already left. As stubborn as we are, we kept on waiting... But after quite a while some English speaking person, from the crew I guess, came out to tell that Mika really left. So we left the venue and me and a friend started our travel at home.
  15. Thanks for recording! You're absolutely right... I feel exactly the same. Was at Suikerrock in Belgium yesterday and at this moment I prefer the live version a lot more. I wonder how the final version will sound like, can't wait!
  16. En aangezien het concert toch pas om 01.00 uur eindigt... wat een tijd eigenlijk!
  17. Even on a hot summer day, on which I'm too tired to do anything, you guys make me laugh! Can't get the picture out of my head now...
  18. Finally I made my decision, switched from a maybe to a big fat yes!
  19. Zsina's drawing is on the 'Kaltblut magazine' interview, isn't it? http://www.kaltblut-magazine.com/mika/
  20. Yoojin and Serenae your artworks are fabulous!
  21. Woot woot, having a happy Dutch moment! Thanks for the information by the way! I found the fragment on the 3fm site, it starts around 03.33.55 http://www.3fm.nl/gemist#/ajax/overlay/gemist/uitzending/ug/231621 For the non Dutch speaking people, here is a translation: "Now something completely different... I heard the song last night at Michiel (apparently another radio DJ at 3fm played the song for the first time) while driving my car and my thoughts where ‘tjonge jonge jonge’ (that’s positive). Where is the party, here is the party on the radio! The new song is called ‘Celebrate’. Aaah what a party! The new Mika... I have to say, I can hear a voice in the song, it must be Pharrell Williams, but I don’t recognise it at all. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter, it’s about Mika. His new album TOOL will be out after the summer, in September or something. This is the single... (An other radio DJ, I guess Domien Verschuuren: Nice, Mika is one of my favourites, he can do a lot before I don’t like it...) That’s true, but ‘Make you happy’ is just mwah mwah". Well I'm happy 'Celebrate' will be played in the Netherlands! It's a small step for Mika to world domination, haha!
  22. Ah, thank you! I'm glad that Giel Beelen picked up the news... It's a radio station with quite a lot of listeners, that's positive!
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