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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Have been on a holiday and just saw the amazing creations posted on here, great job to all! Please keep creating new stuff... And I loved the 'discussion' about the materials (paper/pencils), it just showed all of your passion!
  2. This book with drawings looks stunning!
  3. Going to read it now! I'm so happy you got the chance to give the drawings, they are just too beautifull to hang on the wall of your room! Edit: Read your report, it's so sweet!
  4. That were my first thougts too! Step this is more than amazing! This may sound quite cheezy... but I thought of you at the 8th of July and I just whished that you weren't to nervous. So how did it went, did you get the chance to give your amazing drawings to Mika?
  5. Thanks to all the people who posted the music! I really love this song! I was so afraid that I wouldn't like the new sort of style, but it's just amazing! I saw Yelle as supporting act and this song reminds me a bit of her style of music. Just loveable!
  6. The life of the 'creative' is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes! Your drawing is wonderfull! How do you manage to do something like that on school, I always get caught.
  7. This looks great! Maybe you can add a horizon with deserted treas?
  8. When the opportunity to make an illustration for Mika's June column was announced I wasn't particularly excited; I was really short in time so I didn't enter. From what I read on the XL republica forum, the selection of the winning illustration wasn't that fair. My memories went back to the T-shirt competition... none off the participants did ever get a response from 'Mika's side'. I entered that competition too, but I never felt disappointed. I saw the competition as a great inspiration (I never designed a t-shirt before) and I felt really satisfied with my own work. I just hope you do too! I really hope that you had a lot of fun, designing the XL Republica illustrations. And for what it's worth; I love all the designs! Neims, your drawing style really attracts me!
  9. Milda, I love your idea! A Mika Tofu Doll building package, really nice!
  10. Ditto Haven't been on here for a while; thank you for your lovely comments on my drawing. Louiza I made the drawing with felt tip points from the brand 'Bruynzeel'; just colour pencils for children
  11. Made this drawing for a friend of me... she celebrated her 23th birthday.
  12. I'm really curious about what you are doing. Is it a sort of stop motion with drawings? It looks great! Edit: Am I stupid or what? I didn't notice the title of your video... what a hell of work, that's gonna be!
  13. I especially love the 'work in progress' and animation parts!
  14. Guess everything has been said... it's lovely!
  15. Well...I guess I will never call my own pencil drawings one hundred percent perfect, if I compare it with other people's drawings on here! I just miss the reality effect (photo effect) in my drawings... But that isn't a problem at all, I just like drawing with different materials! I feel the most confident in my felt tip drawings; they aren't realistic, so no photo effect needed But I guess I will never call them one hundred percent either; there is always something I can improve.
  16. Thank you for your lovely comments on my drawing! I still not like it for one hundred percent
  17. Roxy your drawing is gorgeous... again! I tried a while ago... but I didn't like the drawing Mika's eyes are totally messed up, to dark I guess. Don't know if I posted it on here already or not....
  18. @Julia2a your drawing is beautiful! It's a 'comic book' style, mixed with a realistic style, love it! @Yourmemory the Mika picture is as beautiful as always!
  19. I really love this one! I love the MIKA design!
  20. I want to thank the Magic Numbers winners so much, for sharing the impressions of the secret gig! I feel so happy for you all and it's really kind of you to share your beautifull experiences.
  21. Don't think I have to say anything... it's as beatiful as always
  22. Thank you for your lovely comments!
  23. First of all: Step I love your colour pencil drawing! You did a wonderfull job! I'm a bit uninspired these days, I need a new Mika album So I created a pencil drawing, based on the songs for sorrow... I just wanted to try out some styles of drawing: pencil drawing, sketch, cartoon and an undefined style. I'm sorry for the quality of the picture, I couldn't scan it today.
  24. I should really learn for my exam, but I'm distracted by this beautiful artwork! It's a valuable break of my learning activities... Can't wait till my three week Christmasholiday, I want to draw again. Don't defend yourself for this picture, it's beautiful. Saw something like this in a tv-commercial and I was really fascinated by it. I really like what you did, it's strange and special in one! I love your style! It's uncommon, that's why I love it! You become better with each drawing! I always smudge, when I use charcoal... your drawings are very neatly. I graduated as a teacher two years ago and now I'm studying again... but I really miss those children-drawings; especially the great stories behind every artwork! You can tell these kids, that I really like their paintings!
  25. Your voice is lovely! I love that cake! The 'Yo Mika' part totally fits in! Did you eat the cake? Maybe that's why I never bake something like that, I'm scared that I don't want to eat it when it's finished.
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