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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Never did something like this before...
  2. It's a gorgeous drawing again! Did you use any other material for this drawing? (Is it an other hardness of the pencil? It looks like charcoal). And you can sing too... Wow love it... it looks quite simple, but I see so many movement in it! I really hear him say: "One, two, three whooo"! You captured his body language very well. I made something like that of Mika's second album, but your style is totally different than mine. That doesn't mean that I don't like yours, in contrary: I love your style! I can't draw like that. I really hope you will finish it! Cherol your work is beautiful as always!
  3. You totally hit the nail on the head... you've expressed it perfectly! That's the way I look at art too.
  4. Sia thank you for translating it and Nicoleta thank you for finding the video again! I guess he is the only French speaking person I can understand a bit... native French speakers are way to fast for me: but that has more to do with my French speaking qualities, I'm really bad.
  5. Very lovely! Love your work Yourmemory. It's digital art, isn't it?
  6. Houston, we have a problem! Wow man, you found the magical chord! What's that chewing gum doing under my shoe? All pictures from Bullet Ray
  7. Aaaw, I always love that kind of stories: it makes every show special Thank you for the reports and pictures: the new stage and the costumes are lovely!
  8. Sorry, but I really got a 'Polonaise' (is this English?) feeling
  9. Talking about lice really helps: at the queue for the Westerpark concert there was a lot of pushing, so me and my friends intentional started talking about little children (we are teachers) and our experiences with lices: we made up a story about itching heads, suddenly we had a lot of space I know, I'm bad... We told this story at a Belgium couple at the HMH concert and imitated the story from the Westerpark and the same happened again with the people around them... little bugs achieve miracles
  10. That sounds weird... the link with faces Very nice picture, love your clothes!
  11. I love the first one so much! Great job! Was thinking the same when I saw all these amazing art pieces... can't wait to start drawing in my summer holiday!
  12. You're right! Can't find the part anymore where I saw Ingie... maybe it was at the Slash performance; Slash/Nash my brain wasn't working that well after Pinkpop. It was 1.30 in the middle of the night when I watched the television, so I guess I remembered the wrong performance. Sorry, but I didn't see any faces on the television, only clothes Found it: http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=11024120 - 21.22 My Mika 'fairy tale wand'
  13. It was amazing, every muscle hurts now Early in the morning I arrived at the Megaland field, it was really quiet so I checked some shops first. At 10.30 I went to the 3fm stage, there weren't many people, so I had enough time to figure out were to stand (it was tricky with that 'catwalk'). Finally I found a front row space on the right side of the catwalk, which turned out to be a very good place (eventually Ingie ended up somewhere near me; didn't see who was with you). I stood there the whole day and saw some amazing performances: - Jon Allen was a real suprise to me... I didn't know who he was, but I really liked his performance. I especially Liked the part where he was using the catwalk. - Slash was just brilliant, I never expected that! I didn't know what to expect, but despite of the pushing (oh my, I was dying) it was wonderful. My knees are bruised (blauwe knie?) know, they really pushed me into the crush barriers. And saw a bad performance too: - Kate Nash wasn't that amazing (ahum it was just bad to me). I liked some of her songs, but she was messing them up with her screaming. She wasn't really sympathetic, her make up was a great mess (what about long lasting lipstick?) and the singing and playing was out of tune a lot. Before Mika's performance the only thing I could think about was: 'I do not pee, I do not need to pee, I've hardly had a drink, just stay front row...' Standing there the whole day was all worth it! Mika and his band were just amazing. He didn't do the little theatrical things, but his voice and interaction with the crowd was just wonderful; those things did everything. Even the Slash fans were enjoying the concert, they were clapping and jumping, never expected that! I really liked the fact that he put on the hat that Biekje (?) threw. After Mika's performance I got a lot of text messages: I was on the big screen a lot (my fairy tale wand; shall post a picture tomorrow) and I was even on tv (I'm so proud ): - http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=11024116 0.00 Love Today 2.00 I'm the girl with the pink diadem 46.34 Grace Kelly 49.03 'You waaaaant.....' And that's me again (*giggle*) - http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=11024120 41.22 Billy Brown 44.42 We are Golden After Mika's concert I stayed to see Pink, she made a real show: that hamster ball thing was so cool! Liked her performance, but my thoughts stayed at Mika's performance. The last act of Pinkpop was The Prodigy at the mainstage, but I went home after three songs (it's not my cup of tea and the weed smell was killing). Well this turned out as quite a big report... Just two things to say: - Ingie you were on the television too, somewhere at Kate Nash performance. Don't know exactly were, but I will search for it tomorrow. - Patricia4you your dress (purple) and someones others dress (pink) were on the tv as well. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did! Brilliant day Edit: A little bit late, Happy Birthday Nielo and Elise_xx
  14. Wonderfull idea Ingie! You can count me in for the Netherlands.
  15. BangBangLou that cake is beautiful!
  16. Just received the pictures from my friends... will send everything (pictures and drawing) this after noon.
  17. Laurel I got tears in my eyes while reading your post. I don't know how to express my feelings in English... I just want to wish you and your family all the best getting through this.
  18. Thank you for your e-mail address: I'll mail everything as soon as possible!
  19. Great idea Monie, I'll try to find some pics! I made an 'Alice and Wonderland' drawing with Mika on it, maybe you can use it too.
  20. Hey Monie read your idea on the Amsterdam report page: I'll try to find some pics. Can you PM me your e-mail?

  21. Well I was wearing a dress, but it was so freezing cold that I wore my coat over it, while we were queue up. The only thing you could have seen was my 'playingcard bracelet'. Don't have any pics of my dress at this moment: my friend took some pictures... Especially for Awijmans The pictures are really dark, the quality isn't that great, sorry:
  22. I met you very very quick: you were sitting next to Ingie and I asked if you practised the slash-mob already with all the MFC'ers... Edit: Thank you Nielo... flash-mob
  23. First of all I want to say thanks to all the MFC'ers! I was there with my friends, so I didn't meet as many MFC'ers as I wanted to, but the ones I met were really nice. The MFC'ers who arranged the queueing deserve a special thanks in my opinion: the number system worked fantastic! At this moment I'm almost over my post gig depression (the fact that I'm going to Pinkpop really helps). There are so many things I want to type... I arrived at 13.00 at the HMH in Amsterdam and was number 98 (my train had a delay, I missed my train transfer to Amsterdam Arena, but I arrived just in time to get a number). The first thing I noticed were the fantastic costumes! I really liked the fact that so many of you were so nice dressed-up; people who came accross the square were really staring at us! I had a wonderfull queueing period, even though the weather was really bad. I got second/third row, just in front of the aslope standing plateau in the middle of the stage (rockinbabzz was standing in front of me). I've never been that close of the stage before. The support act was disappointing: why didn't they put the DJ's on stage? Mika's show on the other hand, was fantastic! I can't comparise it with other shows, but in my opinion Mika and the band were overwhelming! I loved the interaction between the bandmembers and Mika: they all have a very strong mimicry. I loved the story around the songs, that makes his shows so special. Mika, the band, the clothings, the decor, ... everything was just perfect to me. Ida's voice was just stunning and I do understand why so many people loved Imma: she has so much energy on stage. Unfortenately the flash mob didn't turn out as it should be. In the row where I was standing nobody knew the moves. I saw a lot of people on my right hand who were doing it and of cource the MFC'ers on stage (I felt all warm and fuzzy inside when I saw Ingie and Freddie on stage)! But it would have been cool if the whole first and second row had done it. Despite of the fact it didn't turn out that well, I want to say that Monie did a wonderfull job: it was a lovely dance! Afterwards, I didn't wait for Mika, my friends wanted to go home (travelling alone in Amsterdam is not my strongest point). It's a shame I couldn't get on the Alice and Wonderland group pic and didn't meet Mika afterwards. But besides that I had a lovely day! Thank you to all the MFC'ers, I hope to see you all again soon (Pinkpop?)!
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