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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Well the scan doesn't work... made a photo instead....
  2. Haven't been around lately; I spent almost half an hour going through a lot of beautiful art pieces. Love them all I finished my colourfull 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' piece (just to late for the yearbook); I'll post it this afternoon.
  3. Heel heel misschien: moet nog eens uitzoeken hoe ik het 's avonds dan weer thuiskom, moet dan namelijk nog naar Maastricht
  4. Well after listening to it, I don't know how many times, it's still my favorite song
  5. Cheater! Edit: You made me thinking... trying it now! Who's the biggest cheater here? Oh this is so mean...
  6. I don't understand the scores; do I suck that much? Did you really build a tower with the height of 3688? Oh my god...!
  7. I like how he says 'concertgebouw'
  8. It's getting on your nerves, I think
  9. Someone (sorry I don't know if it was an MFC'er) used a Mika game idea, for the 'We are golden video competition': that was a lovely idea! And now we have our real Mika game: it's a shame Mika isn't in it
  10. Wow thank you for posting: I'm gonna check it out! Edit: That game is getting on my nerves...
  11. 'The love&life of the stars' is what they call themselves; it's a sort of girly mag about stars and fashion and make-up and boys...
  12. Thanks for posting! Onfortunately I can't watch it; I only recieve the public Belgium programmes Is there a way to look commercial Belgium programmes again on the internet (something like 'uitzending gemist')?
  13. Thanks for posting Ingie! *reading right now* Nice interview: Poo-poo-pi-doo! All the way Betty Boop, haha!
  14. If knowing that someone cares helps the healing process... ...then you should be feeling better already. Get Well Soon Mika!
  15. Quote: "There's a chance people may think 'We're done with that Mika'. In that case I'd start a cartoon company. I'm a good artist and designer." I'm not done with Mika! Do we have to start a petition? BTW: I heard this news on the Dutch radio too.
  16. Voted; a couple of times (Well a couple; how many votes can you make in 15 minutes?)
  17. Just saw the vid! Thanks for putting my name on it! I'm saying this again, lovely idea of you
  18. Whaha, lovely comment! It's lovely out in the woods today, but safer to stay at home. Really?
  19. I think I'll have to watch te video a few times more, before I can give my final opinion. On first sight I like it; love the characters and the dark surrounding. The video isn't what I expected, well what I had in mind. But that always happens with things that Mika does: expect the unexpected! Maybe that's what I like about him, besides his music of course! That's something what could happen to me too!
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