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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Als iemand in Nederland het artikel graag wil hebben, dan kan ik het per post opsturen. Stuur me dan even een PM met je adres, zodat ik weet waar het naar toe moet. Zelf doe ik toch niks met het artikel, dus als ik iemand er blij mee kan maken.
  2. Thank you for posting Anneke. I have the same thoughts about 'Toy Boy': I like the melody and especcialy the lyrics, but it doesn't fit really well into the album.
  3. Loved that too; last time I missed the acoustic shows (there was a technical failure on the Belgium order website), so I was hoping he would do that kind of shows again. If he doesn't; he said it, I have the evidence (Don't think I can believe everything he says, though).
  4. Dan val ik meteen met jou mee naar binnen: Mika staat in Veronica Magazine http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20377
  5. I want to have those dog cookies; I'll give them to my own weenie dog!
  6. Mika in Veronica Magazine! I'll try to translate it as soon as possible; don't expect wonderfull, grammatical correct sentences Edit: Translation... Mika gives life colour Party animal Michael Holbrook Penniman, known as Mika, has again made a good party album. We speak the artist in London; to celebrate the release of The Boy Who Knew Too Much. You made a super happy album again. Are you so überhappy too? "Ha, no, with my music I try to make life just bearable. I myself am more someone who sees everything black and white. I'm either happy or not at all. This dark and light, I try to do a bit together." So you try to escape the everyday reality? "Escape is a dirty word. If you try to escape you feel guilty afterwards or you have a huge hangover. I try a better version of reality creation. Walking away from it is not possible." You always said you’re a big fan of fairy tales. Aren’t you outgrown it? "No, I still think fairy tales are great stories. Because they tell universal stories about life, in a naive and innocent way. While they are still heavy on many matters. That is the way how I write pop songs." What would psychiatrist Sigmund Freud think about your songs? He thinks ‘Little Red Riding’ is about sex. "Ha, I think it is better if my texts aren’t analyzed by him. I think I would die if I heard the results. I think he will say, that I need professional help, haha." Well let’s dig into your childhood. How was your childhood? "I was a bit naughty. Very loud and smart, because I knew exactly how I had to thaw/relax people (?). As a teenager I was more on my own and I didn’t dare to express myself. But therefore I learned to express my feelings in my music. It is easier to sing about your grievances, and everyone sings along with you. Then telling the truth and get a slap in the face for it!" Did you recently insult someone with your songs? "On my new album is a song called ‘Rain’. First it was a break-up letter. It seemed fun to put a nice dance beat under it, haha. I haven’t received response yet, no. That is still down!" You grew up in a warm half-Lebanese family. Would your music sound different if you didn’t grown up in that family and culture? "I think it helped. Probably my music would sound different. I do talk with my family. I hardly talk, with people I don’t know... I’m scared of that." On stage you’re mister funny pants. Aren’t you scared then? "The funny thing is, if you put me in a room with people, I always end up alone in a corner. It always happens. For this reason, I hate huge parties, they are literally making me sick. I can’t wait till the party is over, I hate every minute of it. I don’t have the confidence to say anything. When I say something, it sounds silly. But if you drop me on a stage, I just get it. The stage is a kind of boxing ring for me. After the show, I can’t remember what I yelled on stage." Your whole life you’re collecting cartoons. Why do you like cartoons? "I love cartoons. I love the different characters. Previously, the characters were even imaginary friends of mine. My mother is a dressmaker and as a child I went to her with a strip of Tintin and asked her to make such a suit as Tintin wears. I hardly spent money, only on art: original covers and other framed comic characters. Some of them are in storage, because they are too expensive to hang on the wall." If you weren’t a successful musician, what would you be? "Then I was in prison by now. My mother always said: You end up either in jail or you become famous, haha. When I was little, I often stole things. But they never caught me, I was a very good thief. A little time ago I stole something, by the way. I was at a gas station and there was a lifestyle magazine about dogs and stuff, with a bag of dog food stuck on the cover. I secretly took the bag with me. I wanted to give it to Adele, she is a friend and she has a weenie dog, a dachshund. But she did not want them to have when she heard that I had nicked it!" Big Girl is a kind of anthem for corpulent women. For whom did you write that song? "For my aunts and my mother, because they are all fat, haha. I saw a documentary once about ‘The Butterfly Lounge’, a club for fat women, and I thought: lets write a song about beautiful fat women, and in special for my mum and aunts. I wished they would like it and wouldn't feel insulted by the song. They loved it. When the creators of ‘Ugly Betty’ wanted to use the song, I tried to create ‘Big Betty, You Are Beautiful’, but I wasn’t allowed to do that, haha." You did a splendid show in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, a while ago. Can we expect such performances again? "The problem with acoustic shows is, that I lose a lot of money with it. In order to break even, I should triple the price. Now I understand why classical musicians should be sponsored, it costs a lot of money to act that way. But it's a incredibly fun thing to do occasionally. I made a promise to myself: the rest of my career I will always do a mix of large shows for everyone and smaller shows for all the true fans. I think that's very important." Mika's Choice Motto: Kill your heroes before they kill you. That is so true. Best present ever received: A Fiat 500. Though I can not drive. I still call a taxi ... Most beautiful book: ‘The Confidential Agent by Graham Greene’. Written in six weeks, thanks benzadrine, a kind of speed. Proud of: My homemade mustard sauce. Maybe I can give the recipe as a present with my CDs in the future, nice for the fans! Most expensive item of clothing: A pair of Louboutin shoes, specially made for me. They are worth around 10,000 euros. Ridiculous, but if it's free, I won’t say no!
  7. As stupid as I am, I remembered this morning that I ordered the 2-disc cd of the 'The boy who knew too much' and I realised that I only have been listening to the first disc So today I started listening to the 'live @ Sadler's Wells show'!!!
  8. That's my favorite part too! Love it! It's just a shame I can't sing along with it, it's a little bit (understatement) to high. I really can't sing; but that's not the point. I love Mika singing it
  9. I would love to be on it! It's a really nice idea! Can you add me?
  10. It works for me! What a long story... what a wonderfull screamwork after all I always presumed, that when you heard the telephone calling beep (sorry don't now how to say it in proper English) on the radio they were calling someone at that moment. How hypocritical, the dj says: 'I'm calling someone back NOW'.
  11. Congrats! What did you have to do? Last time they played 'The ten' and you had to answer ten questions about Mika. So the last question was: how do you spell Mika's name backwords? So the girl on the telephone said: ACIM. And that stupid radio dj hung up because it was wrong in his opinion and the girl ended up without tickets. When I had a phone with me in the car, I would have called the studio, to tell them that the girl was right. They didn't asked to spell Mika's artist name, so Mica was right aswell. I never screamed that hard to my car radio (magical thinking: screaming to a car radio ). I felt sorry for that girl; but hey she could have screamed for herself (I would do ).
  12. Dank je wel AnnaMariaPetra: had eerlijk gezegd nog nooit van 'OOR' gehoord. Als het goed is staat Mika volgende week ook in de Veronica gids... vraag me niet of het een interview of iets anders is, want dat stond er nog niet bij deze week.
  13. Ik heb het filmpje bij Paul de Leeuw echt hélemaal gemist (was denk ik iets te veel gefocust op Mika )! Maar je hebt het echt ontzettend knap gemaakt! Het enige wat ik kan is muziek onder een film zetten en scènes knippen en plakken (ow ja en sinds kort, tekst eronder zetten) Hoop voor je, dat Mika het nog meeneemt in zijn beoordeling (al ben je natuurlijk wel een grote concurrent voor ons).
  14. Wat zijn jullie weer ontzettend snel zeg, ik ontdek de clip vandaag pas Ik ben het helemaal met jullie eens wat betreft de opnametechniek; ze gaan van beeld naar beeld over, dus dat Mika af en toe niet geheel in beeld is, zal er zeker bij horen. Ze trekken ergens je aandacht (door bijvoorbeeld het beeld kleur te geven) en vervolgens loopt dat beeld over in een nieuwe 'scene'; heel leuk gedaan! Ik moet wel eerlijk bekennen dat ik even moest wennen; zijn clips zijn zo divers! Zelf vind ik deze clip een beetje richting Michael Jackson/Justin Timberlake gaan, maar dat komt gewoon omdat er zoveel in gedanst wordt En dat WAG dilemma herken ik volledig; alleen liet ik alles weer op het laatste aankomen, waardoor er niet veel meer tijd was, om de clip een paar keer opnieuw te doen. Soms is een struik in beeld en een andere keer loopt de camera al terwijl ik nog in de veronderstelling ben, dat er niet gefilmd wordt. Ach ik heb ontzettend veel plezier gehad met mijn vriedinnen en we hebben ons rot gelachen bij het monteren. Trouwens, bij Paul de Leeuw vroeg iemand iets over de WAG clip, maar die hebben ze geloof ik helemaal niet meer in de uitzending laten zien, of heb ik iets gemist?
  15. I always thought he was much taller; now I know that, he can't intimidate me any more
  16. Voor diegenen die interesse hebben: http://www.3fm.nl/page/3fm_winnen/675 Via de radio zelf zijn ook kaartjes te winnen. Veel succes!
  17. Wow, you guys look so beautiful I'm so happy for Linde and Ingie, you go girls! I'm definitely watching tonight and tomorrow night! By the way: on the dutch radio you can win tickets for Mika in the HMH Amsterdam. And on their website you can answer a question (contest): http://www.3fm.nl/page/3fm_winnen/675
  18. Wow ik heb net de reports van 'Lieve Paul' gelezen; wat een ontzettend geweldige middag/avond hebben jullie gehad! Er zaten echt mooie 'kostuums' bij, ik ben zo trots op ons Nederlanders en MFC'ers! Ben benieuwd en ga zeker kijken vanavond (als ik het goed begrijp, wordt er zowel zaterdag als zondag iets uitgezonden van Mika).
  19. Nou dan is het te verklaren waarom ik hem nooit eerder heb gezien. Dacht al dat ik tijdens concerten te zeer gefocust was geweest op Mika. Toch maar eens een tv optreden gaan bekijken (misschien dat de band bij 'Lieve Paul' aanwezig is). Ben de laatste tijd wat veel met studie bezig geweest om tv optredens te volgen; boh wat raak je dan snel achter Maar zoals ik net al aankondigde, ga ik nu alweer weg: het wordt altijd pas veel later gezellig hier bij jullie, moet toch eens een andere planning maken =P
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