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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Lucky you! Accidental death? Slipped in the bathroom?
  2. Whaha I was awake at 7.00, I couldn't sleep anymore (this time I want to get tickets: I've bad experieces with Brussels)
  3. Pfew no one can order tickets, I just keep waiting
  4. Hey, ik val ook weer eens met de deur in huis: Mika komt inderdaad officieel bij Paul de Leeuw in de uitzending (of zeg ik nu iets dat jullie al lang wisten?) Als je wilt gaan, kun je een mailtje sturen naar lievepaul@vara.nl; maar eerlijk gezegd heb ik niet zo'n zin heb om daar in de zaal te zitten Ze vroegen hardcore fans, dus ik weet niet wat ze gaan uitspoken. Ik kijk wel veilig vanaf de bank thuis.
  5. *Boing boing boing* ... bouncing my head against the ceiling. I just checked my e-mail and saw the announcement. And I was like: 'Aw, I'm too late for the pre-sale again'. But the pre-sale just starts Monday, so I have enough time to call my friends!
  6. I was wondering that too, so I got the luminous idea to check out the lyrics... Whaha those words aren't displayed in the lyrics, why does it have to be so difficult?
  7. I just received my Cd from Mikasounds: I thought airplanes were fast... not! This song reminds me of Yelle's pre-show performance in Düsseldorf; I don't know exactly why, but I think it's the rythm and articulation. I like it!
  8. Finally, I received the new album today! Note to myself: next time, don't order the cd from Mikasounds, it take ages to be delivered in the Netherlands. Now I can get start drawing Mika related drawings again I get a new boost!
  9. Well I keep my fingers crossed for you! I just think those last two days a lot of people entered, so it could take a while until everything is uploaded.
  10. A couple of weeks ago I got a mail (inquiry) from Universal Music Group, with the next question (well I don't know exactly how they formulated it, but it was like): 'What would be your ultimate Mika prize'? And guess what I answered... exactly a music course with Mika! Unfortunately I can't enter the competition. But hey, I guess that's a lot better for Mika and all his fans; I think he would pull his hair out of his head, when he had to learn me playing piano... So good luck too everyone who enters!
  11. Daniella92: I love the shoes Why do I have black converse?
  12. Hey Rain, when did you enter? I entered mine saturday at Mikasounds and they displayed it yesterday. I had a lot of problems with YouTube (I uploaded my clip, but it was really busy, so it was shown by sunday; Mikasounds didn't accept the moviecode until it was uploaded on YouTube, so I used Vimeo instead).
  13. Thanks for posting it. In my 'creative' world it had a slightly different meaning, but I like his explanation!
  14. Well that's the case: I never paint anymore, because I know I'll make a mess of it (I did one Mika painting with only white painting on black paper. But in my opinion that doesn't count really: you can't mess up the colours). I stick up to the safe felttips, pencils and pens.
  15. Well better late than never: it's so beautiful, wish it was my birthday! When I paint, everything gets blurry and messy after a while but your painting qualities are really great.
  16. Well, it took me a while to understand why 'I see you' sounded so familliar to me
  17. I love you guys for uploading it, thank you so much! All I have to say about the music
  18. For this only time I'm glad I live in the south of the Netherlands: Brussels is just one and an half hour driving! Last week I asked all my, in Belgium living, 'friends' if they had JIM mobile; but unfortunately nobody had. So I'm really glad with this oppurtunity Good luck everyone!
  19. WOW, that's beautiful Love the blue-ish hair!
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