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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Indeed! Now I know, I'm participating the Yearbook, I'm going to try to bring it to perfection
  2. That's gonna be a lot of work I like it so far! Don't give up, keep on colouring!
  3. Well, I finally finished my personal 'Songs for Sorrow' drawing; I started drawing with pencils when the EP came out and finished the outlines of the drawing quite fast. But for this time I didn't like the idea of using felttips or pencils only (it wasn't 'dark' enough). So I put the drawing into the cupboard, and leave it there... till now! I noticed the pen made pictures of JULS92 and decided to give it a try. And this is how it turned out... (So I cheated a bit with the pencils; making good art on the first try, doesn't work for me, I guess).
  4. I'm very curious! If this is what you draw if you haven't enough time... I can't wait to see your other works. I like your personal style of drawing things; it looks so simple in first place, but if you take a second look, you see all the details!
  5. You did it at work... wow! It's fabulous and 'simple' on it's own way.
  6. Made this drawing for the Mika birthday present 'The Dutch thread', but unfortunately something went wrong. So I just post it up here:
  7. I love the sprakle in the eyes! Can't wait to see it painted!
  8. Zo, ik kom ook weer eens tussendoor fietsen (ben al zo lang niet meer in de Dutch thread geweest ). Maar dit leuke nieuws moet toch even gedeeld worden: Mika's 'We are golden' is 3fm megahit!
  9. Don't know if anyone said it before (and otherwise I'm just saying it again): Mika's 'We Are Golden' is 3fm Megahit (Dutch radio station)!
  10. After listening to the new single and thinking for one night, I suggest: Colour me like I am
  11. All dutchies please breath in and out... on the 'Free record and Van Leest' site (music releases) the release date is the 11th of September
  12. To racinghorse83: The only thing I want to say
  13. Really like what you've done with the pictures!
  14. I'm waiting, waiting... still waiting I don't want to sound like a child, but: I want it now!
  15. Why do I live in the Netherlands? And why do they something like that by ship? An airplane is much faster, you know!
  16. Love the shirt You said someone else printed it for you, right? What did he/she use (or was it in an real copy shop)? I tried something like that before by myself, but I ruined my whole t-shirt then
  17. Heard two MIKA songs after each other!!! Send an e-mail... I was looking for train tickets to Paris, but they are quite expensive
  18. Thank you! Always looking for darns in the rules
  19. Because I don't understand the French announcement on the radio, I want to check two things: - Does back to back means two songs after each other? - In the French announcement I hear two songs of MIKA after each other, I don't think that counts, does it? Can someone please give an answer to my questions? I'm not a prodigy of languages
  20. The same here; when they posted the announcement of the tour dates, I had to check my atlas first
  21. Travelling to Paris with the TGV? I tried to buy tickets for Brussels, but unfortunately I didn't get them, so why not try this way for Paris?
  22. Thanks Deb for posting this! I'm going to listen right now...
  23. A lot of fun to everyone who's going! Unfortunately I can't go, I don't have a ticket, owing to a technical problem on the abconcert ticket site Who wants to buy Misia tickets if you click on MIKA tickets! Can't help it but the word ticket "service" irritates me on this moment.
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