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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. I'm still searching for, two tickets for Mika in Brussels on the 4th of June. Please PM me, if you have two spare tickets.
  2. No I don't think so: I received the e-mail, and 'only' ordered the EP.
  3. Don't get worried... this is what my e-mail says: The product(‘s) you have purchased can be redeemed for a personal gift from MIKA. We will email you on May 25th with a unique code and full instructions. For more information keep checking back to http://www.mikasounds.com
  4. Can you believe this? I'm more nervous for this announcement, than for my final examination
  5. These images may be used for the 'Fan art' part.
  6. I used Felt-tips from Bruynzeel (well to be precisely three different packets off felt-tips ). It took quite some time to finish it, but I enjoyed doing it. Going to work and school doesn't really help in making spare time to draw. The upcoming EP and album made me to finish this drawing on time
  7. Normally I take a photo of my drawing and upload it in photobucket. After that I click on 'Insert image' in the typing box from MFC and insert the image code as a http:// file. If you want to reduce the size of your file, you can try google. If you type 'reduce picture' there will be several online programs, to resize your picture. I'm not that technical as I want to Good luck!
  8. I'm searching for, two tickets for Mika in Brussel on the 4th of June. Please PM me, if you have two tickets left.
  9. Thank you for your amazing reactions! It took me a while to draw and colour it (my felttips were empty during the colouring), but all the artworks in this thread motivated me to finish it!
  10. Made a drawing around the 'Life in Cartoon Motion' album.
  11. I'm counting down from 660 sec. 660-659-658-657....
  12. Guess what: normally my computer works really well, but today it's a mess up. Maybe because I'm checking mikasounds, youtube and mikafanclub at the same time I'm to fast for this thing
  13. Wij gaan inderdaad ook niet de stad in; we hebben wel besloten om de verjaardag gewoon thuis te vieren. Denk dat dit het onderwerp van gesprek zal worden: het zet mij in ieder geval enorm aan het denken. Kan me wel enigszins voorstellen, dat mensen in Amsterdam blijven. Als je ver bent afgereisd en een hotel hebt geboekt, cancel je dat niet zomaar. Maar persoonlijk zou ik dat ook niet kunnen.
  14. Ik kan me helemaal bij dat gevoel aansluiten... Ik heb vanavond een verjaardag/koninginnedag feestje gepland met vrienden, ga daar nu wel met een heel dubbel gevoel naartoe. Ik ben altijd heel benieuwd naar de reden; wat beweegt iemand om zo'n daad te begaan? Toen ik het bericht voor het eerst hoorde, dacht ik dat die man onwel was geworden achter het stuur of zoiets dergelijks. Maar later bleek dus inderdaad dat het opzet was.
  15. Avoca thanks for adding me! I'll post my drawings later.
  16. Have a lovely Birthday today! Love the cake you made! Wow wonderful drawing, your friend is really talented. Nice work Louiza, love your drawing.
  17. I like the drawing a lot, nice colours! Love this thread too, you guys are so creative !
  18. Got inspired by you guys, again! Normally I make really colourful 'projects', but I'm in my final year of becoming a primary school teacher and I don't have a lot of time. But something began to tickle inside and I had to make an 'art project': so this is what turned out.
  19. First thing coming up to my mind: "My name is Penniman... Mika Penniman"
  20. Yeah, you're right: When I compare those lyrics with the lyrics from the cd, I see quite some differences. But I don't mind, I just mumble something Whahaha, funny story, never heard it before
  21. I have a 'Life in Cartoon Motion songbook'; I don't know if it's a official product, but the LICM lyrics are in it. I like the guessing about lyrics; it's funny to read them. Although I must admit, I'm happy there are a lot of English speaking people on here. English is my second language, and then it's way harder to hear and understand what he's singing. When we get the official lyrics by the time the album comes out, we can laugh a lot
  22. Thank you for reacting, your description is clear to me... and guess it works! Thank you so much! I know exactly when I became a fan of Mika's music, it was in april 2007. I live in the Netherlands, and there we 'celebrate' Queensday. I brought my Ipod on that day and stalked everyone with Mika's music. They thought I was freaking mad, and nearly nobody liked the music. But I kept stalking, and after a while my best friend liked the music too, and we went to our first concert in Düsseldorf (haha sweet memories). Around that time I became a member of MFC, and although I haven't enough time to be online all day, I really enjoy it! You guys are so sweet!
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