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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Finally (I hope), someone who can help this technical disaster, called me! Can you please tell how I can put those video's on my Ipod. What programms/sites do I need? You woul be the hero of the day, for me! (Someone else may help me too, if he or she wants). I can extract MP3 files, and put them on my Ipod, but that's it
  2. Same here It's a really catchy tune: I just watched the vlog twice, and can't get the tune out of my head (not that I want to).
  3. Well you guys guessed very good, so in my opinion there is a big chance you win something But hey, don't pin me down on it: estimating/guessing is not my strongest point. I had to re-check my mail, to see what I guessed: I said 94 blue Smarties Congratulations to the winners; can you guys help me next time with my maths homework?
  4. Oh my, I'm as blind as a bat I just noticed the new vlog: You guys are talking about it since yesterday, and I didn't see, aah! Well, I like the whole 'Lego' explanation, I had the same feeling with LICM: In the first instance I 'only' listened to the songs of the album, but after a while I tried to distinct the several sound effects. And in my opinion Mika used them absolutely amazing! So I hope the new album has that effect too. From what I've heard so far (the vlog) I can say I like it a lot. It makes me smile again!
  5. Any other visible part of the anatomy Whaha, I didn't saw that line in first instance
  6. I can't form a proper picture of schooluniforms and the rules. It's quite strange to me, because in the Netherlands we don't have to wear a uniform. So I have a question: do teachers have to wear some kind of uniform, or are there any rules for teachers?
  7. "That never happened, understooood"! I'm curious about the right amount of Smarties, so please publish that too next week (not only the winners); I want to know how bad my calculations skills are I have a supersonic calculator (for my studie), but working with it, is damn hard
  8. I tried to figure out, the right amount of blue Smarties with my own shoes (size 42 European sizes), but I couldn't figure it out 'I felt like a kid having math lessons' - To stay in Mika terms (Westerpark: 'I feel like a kid having piano lessons')
  9. I like the idea behind the shirt! The shirt is really beautiful, what a nice work! You'll have too finish it, I like it a lot! Before Christmas I started a new drawing with felttip and fine liner (I posted such drawings before), and around New Year I didn't know what to draw next. But at this moment my mind is full of ideas (sadly I haven't enough time, to finish it). So don't give up, just look to the world around you, and you will get enough ideas.
  10. Hey ik kom even snel langs: - Ten eerste, alles goed hier? Ben al een lange tijd niet meer op het forum geweest *druk druk druk*. - Ten tweede, voor de mensen onder ons die het nog niet wisten (weet namelijk niet of het al gemeld is op dit forum en of iemand interesse heeft); Mika staat in de Veronica tv gids (Veronica magazine) van deze week. Het zijn twee foto's van Mika en Katy Perry (waar ben ik die al eerder tegengekomen...) met een klein stukje tekst. Heb het nu even niet bij de hand, maar het komt erop neer dat ze samen veel plezier hadden tijdens een avondje stappe, en dat Mika dienst doet als pakezel Toedels
  11. I'm not taking part at the yearbook, but here are my pictures: Westerpark Amsterdam 2008 Philipshalle Düsseldorf 2007
  12. I'm not an American but I voted (what a shame they don't show the score so far)! I hope for you guys that he will win and tour trough the USA! Although, then I'll have to miss him in Europe
  13. Ik ga er vandoor, fijne avond nog, knettergekke mensen
  14. Ik weet nog, dat ik op koninginnedag 2007 het iedereen heb laten horen. Iedereen verklaarde mij voor gek, maar ik vond het meteen een geweldig nummer! Geeft dat ook al aan dat ik knettergek ben
  15. Volgens mij zijn de makers knettergek, wie verzint die vragen? Whaha, worstjes in een pan met oud en nieuw
  16. Welke tekst verschijnt er zo snel in beeld? Iets met 'or not...'
  17. Als je er te lang naar kijkt, krijg je er een zenuwtrek van
  18. Kon het niet laten Zie wie er één heeft gemaakt
  19. Aha, onbewust schemert er toch nog een beetje watervrees in door
  20. Goedenavond, net even de vlog van Mika bekeken echt super leuk (en ik gisteren verkondigen dat hij bang voor water is ) Storyteller!
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