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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Welcome to the MFC! Jojotje, I guess it's the United Arab Emirates (Verenigde Arabische Emiraten in Dutch ).
  2. +1 You don't need to speak Italian, to understand this part! It's just hilarious, thank you for posting!
  3. Just want to thank you for organizing this amazing project: the end result looks stunning!
  4. Live Your Life on 'The Voice of Holland', the auditions (4:12) [YOUTUBE]n1Q6lX8XCgY[/YOUTUBE]
  5. A little bit off topic, but still 'Supermika' related... Made this small drawing for Mika's 30th Birthday, cause he is 'Triple-X' now!
  6. Wow, Natalie that's so amazing! Love it It's quite funny that you came up with this idea, at this particular moment... during my last 'Mika festival day' in July 2013 I mentioned the Cup-song in relation to Mika too (guess it's two souls and one thought). Unlike me, you girls can sing! So where I only had an idea, you really executed it. You did an amazing job incorporating the Cup-song into Mika songs!
  7. Thank you so much for this video! I am so proud of everyone who made this birthday surprise possible! Mika's reaction is just priceless and so touching
  8. Happy Birthday Mika, have a lovely day with friends and family! And remember... you are Triple-X now!
  9. Dikkie Dik is a famous picture book character (an orange cat) for little children in The Netherlands (don't know if it's is also known outside The Netherlands). The sentence 'What's that?' is unknown to me, but maybe someone with little children can explain (title of a book or a Dikkie Dik related song)?
  10. Thanks for uploading Mellody and Elaire14! The videos of you both are really special to me and I guess for a lot of other fans too!
  11. Totally agree with you! I'm glad that everything turned out well at the end! So nice to read Mika's Twitter reaction!
  12. Wow that's such a lovely news! Even though I'm at home working on my thesis (bleh), I really want to wish you all a wonderfull concert and an amazing party!
  13. From Facebook: On tour.... What do we have here, a wallet or a purse?
  14. That elephant made my day! Oh, I would love to see the face of the receptionist, when he placed the elephant on the desk...
  15. Amuser vous! Have a lovely day you all! Thanks for letting us know!
  16. Thanks for posting Rian! Saw the 'getting ready for Mika' blog earlier, but forgot to check it after the festival
  17. Had al het vermoeden dat - indien je zou besluiten om toch te gaan - je niet door het uiterste Zuiden van Nederland zou komen. Dat ligt niet echt op de route vanuit Noord- en Midden-Nederland. Mocht je niet naar Ronquières gaan (bij mij is het ook absoluut nog niet zeker), dan heb je hopelijk wel nog een leuke tijd in Colmar!
  18. Well in that case, it will not be easy to travel together But thanks for your reaction!
  19. Oh, I just love all the fuss over here! I hear Mika thinking: "What shall I post this time to make everyone go crazy...."
  20. You are a real 'search and find' miracle! On the basis of the other images, I would say that it is just some decoration... with determining that, it is also clear that we weren't present
  21. Thanks for letting me know! IF you decide to go, where do you go across the border (you're from The Netherlands, right)?
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