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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Hi and bye Ruth! Drive safely, Rose! Catch you later!
  2. Fresh sheets! The best kind. OK, I'll do laundry too today.
  3. :roftl: I am doing well, thanks for asking. I am very impressed with your phone skills, btw. If I were typing on my phone, it would be crap. Not that I do much better on the keyboard, but you know....
  4. Hi Pooh, how's the job front going? Or should I not ask? Hi Charlotte, saw the great deal you got on your sheets! Did you wash them first? (just curious, I used to wash everything before I wore them)
  5. Hi Rose! Nice to see you on! That's nice to have a familiar route, isn't it? Nice not to be lost, that's what I always say!
  6. Oops! Sorry AMP! I was thinking, "AMP, I'm glad to hear your party went well...", but, I was distracted by eating toast while typing. I guess I'm not very good at typing and eating at the same time! Yes, that would be me, running back to produce after going through dairy for the stuff I forgot! I hate the really big grocery stores. They have great prices and a lot of variety but they are so darn BIG! Making my quasi list now.
  7. Hi mamacatt! I'm glad to hear your party went well after all your preparations. You must be exhausted! I really need to get to the grocery store today. Hate to go without a proper list though!
  8. Hi everyone, just checking in before I start out my day.
  9. The kids are home now so the fight for this computer starts. I'll be checking on and off though! Catch you all later.
  10. Ha ha, when you guys were mentioning knitting, the ad for Patternworks (a yarn webtailer) showed up at the bottom. Wendy, I love your picture with Mika also! Kath, how did your visit to the dentist go?
  11. Hi Leona! Glad to hear your speech went well. I know I have my puppy and I think Kath has her cockerel.
  12. I'm back! Nothing still. Well, I didn't go on any errands. Mika was whining for a walk and it is a fairly decent day out so I took her. Then I did her nails and groomed her feet. Fun times!
  13. I think I am going to pull myself away and run a few errands. I hope something exciting happens soon!
  14. I just got news that my cousin's wife had a baby girl this morning! Baby and mama are doing well!
  15. Bye Vicky! I saw the movie Little Voice. We all know why.
  16. Hi again. I guess nothing has happened. Darn.
  17. It was a bit scary. Especially for my youngest. We were there for a follow up for my 9 y/o and the doc noticed the hives getting worse. When he took off his shirt, the hive welts were all over. He had to get an Epi-pen and a bunch of other meds. He is fine now, he was a bit spooked and scared when it happened. I think mostly b/c all the nursing staff came in and the doctor paying so much attention to him alerted him to the seriousness of it all. Wendy, I read back and saw that your daughter did break her wrist. Ouch! I hope she is not in too much pain now. Very scary for her bf and you!
  18. Wow, REM is playing on the Today show!
  19. Bye Vicky! OK, read back a bit. Jerry is in the US? For some reason, I thought he was in London. Now I read Mika is in India?
  20. Good thing I didn't stay up all night checking. Maybe I should go back to bed and check in a few hours. If I am sleeping, time will go by so much faster!
  21. Yes, have to really careful now. My son had a moderately severe systemic reaction to his allergy shots yesterday. It was quite scary. He broke out in hives all over. However, his breathing was not compromised so that was a good thing. He is fine now but we need to rethink if we should proceed with the shots or stop them now.
  22. Kids can be a great excuse to buy the toys you want. Of course, you don't want to deprive him of anything!
  23. I am a Hello Kitty fan so my poor BOYS had to put up with her when they were younger but they all still like their stuffed toys. Build a Bear (a company here in the US) lets you pick bears to "build" and dress. Really, all it means is you pick an empty animal and they stuff it to how you want, soft or fully stuffed. They make asthmatic friendly ones that can be washed. The boys really like theirs.
  24. Good morning! I hope everyone is doing well. OK, I have taken a look around the site and see no news. So, no news right?
  25. OK, leaving now. Hi and bye FD! I am sure I will see you all tomorrow! I hope the server doesn't crash!!! Mamacatt, did you revise more? Gotta go now.
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