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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. LOL! I am thinking of one of the LG's mom in Chicago. I think she was really worried that her 15 yo daughter was going backstage and she was keen on going to chaperone. She ended up not going backstage with us. I wonder if she felt better or worse that I was back there! :roftl:
  2. That sounds like you had a wonderful time! Hi elanorelle! So glad you had a meet up!
  3. Lucky you! We are still only practicing on a keyboard. With my husband's job, I never know when or where we will move to next so I think maybe rental may be my best option. I wish we could just buy a used one.
  4. Bye Carrie. Kath, how is your dog doing? Hi Wendy! Or did I say that already?
  5. I don't have anything too exciting planned for spring break. I was going to go to Chicago but maybe not. Instead, I have a dental appt. for my son and a doctor's follow up. Maybe go skiing locally. That's all. We really need to buy/rent a piano.
  6. The convention sounds like a GREAT idea! I will start playing the lottery and hope to win so that I can go too!
  7. The convention sounds like a GREAT idea. Too bad I'm too poor to go. There seems to be no way for me to catch up here. Too many pages to read! Boy, you all have been chatty! Kids are home now for spring break.
  8. Thanks! I'll go check it out. What is the convention thread?
  9. Hi Silver, hi Leona. No spring here yet but I think we will miss that storm. It's going just south of us. Some of the snow has melted but it got cold again. I see that a whole bunch of my posts got lost. Oh well.
  10. Hi everyone! I'm back on. It was so weird. What did I miss? I was reading #14 when it disappeared on me and it was back to #13. But then RL got a bit busy.
  11. Thanks, PinkUnicorn! Hello, Miek! It's pretty quiet here right now. How are you?
  12. Hi Leona! Happy St. Patrick's day! Any good plans today? Did you find your shirt?
  13. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
  14. Here, VLM. I know I have posted this many times before but I love it. Plus, it is only one of a few I have in my new photobucket acct.
  15. Hi VLM! I was good and stayed away from here this weekend (for the most part!)
  16. I like that! This is my fav. thread! Happy Birthday a day early to BexxY. Scary about the threatening letters Mika got!
  17. I'm listening to the iTunes concert and I love how clear his voice is here! I love him live and this one is great! That's all.
  18. HI BexxY! I am new here. Nice to meet you. You came in Friday just as I was leaving. Hi Kath, are you really leaving again? I keep missing you. Hi Dcdeb, Mana, Robi, Shar, and FD. Gosh, I hope I didn't miss anyone!
  19. Good morning! And I am on the cusp of Scorpio, right in between Libra and Scorpio! A little bit of both? Balancedly passionate?
  20. Hello Clare and Rose. I hope you are having a good day. I'm going to log off soon, or my whole weekend will be gone before I know it!
  21. Hey there! I think Wendi, in the oldlings, said she was sponsoring him! How cool!
  22. Hello! I'm just doing a quick check in. Kath, glad to hear you had fun last night! Wendy, I hope your visit goes well with your sister! OK, must post this picture again. I started a photobucket account!!! I know, I have been talking about it but this picture prompted me. I didn't want to loose it! I hope it works!
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