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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. I personally am not a fan of PE. I did ballet for years and even a bit in college but it was too much. I pretty much had no life b/c I was alway in rehearsals. I remember looking out the studio windows on weekends and thinking, I have no life! It was fun though and I really did love it! I'm going to be on and off again. If I don't see you again, have a great weekend and have fun with your friends who are visiting next week!
  2. What happened in middle school? I used to dance ballet so pilates is much easier for me.
  3. I done very little yoga. I'm more a pilates girl.
  4. I love the interview from that show. The parts where he is explaining himself and then he plays a little bit of that french song and the queen song. I don't speak french though but I like hearing him speak it.
  5. My kids take piano lessons too and I have a trumpet from my brother. That's what my middle child will play next year when band starts for him. Music is a very good thing.
  6. They are fun, aren't they? I love the early performances when you can tell he's nervous. Comparing them to now, you can really see how much he has grown and matured.
  7. My son played the tenor sax but he's not a fan of the reed instrument so he quit. But, he really likes the cello so he's sticking with that. He wanted to switch to drums too but it didn't fit into his schedule. Oh well. The band program here is pretty strong.
  8. I will call you Alexandra then! I am good, kids are in bed and hopefully asleep! Yay!
  9. Hello, Alex (or do you prefer Alexandra)! How are you?
  10. Yes, he needs the rest! And he needs to hurry up with that second album of his. Maybe he'll put out another DVD but I doubt it. Wouldn't it have been nice to have one of the north american tour? I would love to see all the stuff that Andy taped.
  11. What instrument do you play? What, no hello, Alex?
  12. Maybe he is maturing a bit in his look. I just started a photobucket account b/c of that picture! It's just (sigh)...
  13. Sounds like things are going well. Are you playing in the finals too?
  14. I just wanted to post this b/c it is my favourite picture right now!
  15. I am good thanks! Any thing exciting planned for this weekend?
  16. Wendy, that's so sad! Wow, 7 more people in your house tomorrow, I hope you get well rested tonight!
  17. I like living near water too. I think I always have been near water somehow. Even in Indiana, my friends and I would go to Lake Michigan. I miss a real beach thought!
  18. Good, kids are out playing but they'll be in soon. How's work going? On the upswing, I hope. I can't wait to see what you are going to do next. I watched the video again and Mika sure looked like he was encouraging you to do something bigger. Ask him for crew assistance!
  19. The ending of that video, he just looks so CUTE!
  20. Thanks, Robi! I love watching old clips, even if I have already downloaded them! I liked his Orange performances. I think this was the one where he talked about getting an uncomfortable seat and the audience getting comfortable ones. Or maybe it was the reverse. Hi everyone!
  21. Hello, MikaMad! Wendy is off picking up her daughter, Kath is at a concert (the Feeling), Carri was hosting the secret gig at her house and VickyLovesMika was getting Mika ready for it , AMP has a headache. Sorry if I missed anyone. The rest of us are just on and off, I think.
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