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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Do any of the Scottish ladies here make their own shortbread?
  2. I tried again on that thread. I posted too that mine crashed. Glad to hear yours did too. Otherwise, silly me, I might have kept on trying! Thanks Charlotte for alerting me to that. I sometimes don't venture out very far and miss alot of what's going on on the MFC!
  3. Mine crashed too. Twice! I'm not going to try again! Thanks for posting!
  4. That's so cool, Wendy! Hi Miek! Bye Rose, drive safe!
  5. Hi Charlotte! Glad to hear your neck is feeling better. How did your meeting go last night? Hi Rose, I saw the video. I think it was in the afterparty/gig thread. I don't know if it was posted anywhere else. Good luck!
  6. I thought the whole DVD was great! The performance itself, the music videos! and especially the interviews. I loved the way Mika's personality (and Chrerisse and Mikey's) shined through! So much better than the standard media interview.
  7. So exciting! When do you leave for Vic? Did you get to watch the DVD and all the extras??? I loved the interviews and Mika talking! Hi Clare!
  8. Hello, Oldlings! How is everyone today? It's Friday!
  9. Hi Leona! Yumm, German chocolate is my family's fav! I need to bake another one! Do you have any plans for spring break. OK, really not here, I'm cooking dinner!
  10. Bye Clare, Bye weealx. I'm not really here anymore either.
  11. off to check myspace. I tried to add you Shari but I couldn't! My page is pretty boring.
  12. Scary, none the less. I've never been in an earthquake.
  13. Good night, Shari. I need to make dinner now. It's all quiet in the house. Kids are outside playing and riding bikes for the first time this year.
  14. Was there any new damage during the last earthquake? The caption under the picture says the cathedral had been damaged by both fire and earthquake. I have a friend who writes about Victorian England.
  15. Wow, that is spectacular! I have been to England but that was so long ago. My brother lived in London for a few years but I didn't go visit. In fact, he lived in Kensington, which I heard is where Mika lives! I wish I had gone to visit him. I really regret not going now.
  16. Yes, the Green Bay Packers are BIG here. Bret Favre just retired last week. He was their quarterback for many years. The team plays here in Green Bay. It's a fairly small town but they have that football team so it seems bigger here than it really is. They almost went to the superbowl this year. The locals were very excited this past season! Bye Pooh!
  17. Wow, 20 years go by so fast don't they? I mean, did it go fast? Did you enjoy it? Change is good but can be really hard too. Good luck with your interviews!
  18. I am good, dealing with a child that needs to sleep more. He's cranky right now. Did you do any cross stitching today? I need to do more knitting.
  19. Hi Clare, hi Deb! Sorry to have run out on you yesterday, Clare! Pooh, were you a hairdresser? Was that a sudden close down or did you know it was coming?
  20. Silly kids. They are not wearing their jackets outside because they claim it is "super hot" outside! It's 44 F. I guess they had gotten used to the below 0's. Now one is crying b/c I want him to at least wear a sweatshirt. Jeez!
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