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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Oh good, I will look for it tomorrow. I didn't see anything today. (Because I was silly) I look forward to it!
  2. Which one would you like most? The garden center one sounds interesting. Would you have to get dirty?
  3. This one? It was in the news section. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10293
  4. Pooh, what types of jobs did you apply for? Hello Sarahlou! I really shouldn't be on anymore but....
  5. Looks beautiful, Charlotte! Bye weealx. I'm sure I'll talk to you again. Here is where I live http://www.packercountry.com/ Two of the boys are out playing! Not so noisy right now. As long as they don't bring any friends over.
  6. Yea, I never thought I was noise sensitive until I had children. I dislike cubscout meetings b/c of all those boys together! They sure can be loud! Bless your husband, he must be very special! I'll bet the kids love him too.
  7. Hi Shari and Pooh. Probably bye too. Kids like the computer and I hate them reading over my shoulder!
  8. Bye Kath! I probably won't see you until next week. The kids are about to come home now. I'm getting prepared for noise in the house.
  9. Haha! She is in the human house but in her crate now. She is a spunky puppy! Quite the talker too. BTW, her name is Mika.
  10. Robi, wasn't Mika at SXSW last year? It's going on right now, I have a friend in Austin. I'll go check out your threads. I wasn't here last year though. I hadn't been Mikafied then.
  11. Hello again. I went off to do laundry and was going to take the dog out but she ate my snacks so she is in the doghouse. Charlotte, does anything work to take away your headaches? I hate stress. Good luck at your meeting tonight!
  12. They look so perfect, I don't know if I would eat it or just look at them!
  13. I like chunky too. We have both in our house! You all are making me want to bake something!
  14. Haven't figured out what we will do yet. Maybe go visit my brother in Chicago or my mother in Minneapolis (both places Mika played at in Feb!) or, if the snow hasn't all melted, take them skiing/snowboarding.
  15. All this food talk is making me hungry. I think I'm going to look in the fridge to see what's for lunch!
  16. It will be nice to have one on one time with the youngest. I guess I meant summer holiday. We have spring break at the end of the month. All the kids will be home then.
  17. I'm good. A little bit cold. I'm waiting for the warm up. When is your holiday?
  18. Hi AMP! How are you? Yea, I am not going to mix those 2 tastes. I had a friend who used to crave sweet and salty together. Yuk for me but I do know that others like that.
  19. Hi Silver, how are you? I am doing stuff around the house today.
  20. Thanks for the interview link. Seems like he had an obsession with his wellies during that interview! OK, GOODNIGHT!
  21. Goodnight, Kelzy! Thanks for finding the picture. I like the chocolate picture best!
  22. I have a laptop but it is too slow. Too frustrating to bother. I need to clean it up a bit and take off the excess pictures and files. I can read the MFC on my phone but it looks really funny. 2 letters on each row all the way through. Helpful though when I am out and need to be entertained!
  23. If Crisps are potato chips, I don't think I would like that. Not a fan of the salty and sweet together. Like pretzels and chocolate.
  24. I'm on usually during the day when the kids are at school. Once they get home, it's chaos here.
  25. I put it on toasted bread. Waiting to hear back what Crisps are.
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