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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Hello! My goodness, I have a lot of back reading to do! Over 20 pages since I left yesterday. Hi Kath, Carri and Miek. It looks like Kath and Carri are about to leave. How are you Miek?
  2. Yea, the family needs to be considered! Post its work well too for me too. Whatever system works best for you is what you should use. Did you see Mandilambi's cross stitch gift to Mika? It was really cool! OK, have to go to piano now. Bye!
  3. I use the highlighters to mark the different colour symbols. For example, pink for all the "x"s, blue for the "/"s since they look similar and on big charts with lots of colours, the symbols get a bit confusing. Did that make sense?
  4. I would love to go back to school but really don't want to take on any more debt! Good luck with your paperwork, Leona!
  5. Oh no! Can you photocopy it and enlarge the chart? I have done that to charts before. I enlarge them and then use highlighters to make the symbols easier to read.
  6. That would be a great job! Teaching Mika to drive. Although, he might yell at you if things go wrong.
  7. My cousin's wife is a vet and she is also allergic to cats and dogs. She says when she is around them all the time, the reaction is not so bad but when she goes away for vacation without animals, the allergic reaction is much worse. I think I am allergic to cats now too.
  8. I am doing well but I won't be on for very much longer. The kids get home any minute and we have piano today.
  9. Hi Clare! How are you doing? Have you started on the Mika xstitch yet?
  10. I love cats, the litter box, not so much! My hubby is very allergic so when he wanted a dog, I got to pick the breed. Malamutes are the most catlike dog, imho. They are independent and have a wicked sense of humor. Now, two of my kids are also very allergic to cats. As in wheezing and asthma attack allergic.
  11. Shari, it sounds like the cat has adopted you whether you wanted him or not! I had a cat once that followed me home from school. We fed it and it stuck around but not inside our house.
  12. weealx, what is an ADI? Is that a driving instructor?
  13. Hi Leona! The wait for official news is stretching so long, I have forgotten to look out for it. Well, this way, it will be a surprise again when it gets announced! I've been on and off all day.
  14. Oooh Rose, a new avatar! I can't wait to see it! Charlotte, I hate the fog. I get that sometimes too. RL can be a pain sometimes. Sometimes though, fantasy life and RL can merge a bit!
  15. That's great, Crystal! You'll be on Mika overload soon!
  16. Bye Miek! See you later. Have a good dinner.
  17. My household is allergic to cats. My dog is as close to a cat as I can get.
  18. Bye Kath, I hope your dog feels better soon!
  19. Poor baby! Ha ha! Every vehicle you hear from now on is going to set you off. It's a good thing you have a strong heart!
  20. Hi Mika4life13! OMG, there are diet prescription pills for dogs! Learn something new everyday! I have not see vids of Yasmine on stage with Mika! Only with Allegra in Tokyo.
  21. Hi Kath! Sorry to hear about your doggy arthritis. How old is he/she? Right now, on the morning show, they are talking about overweight pets. Hmm....
  22. Thank you for that link. They look so cute together! And, that skirt is nice but $$$
  23. "Sperm for tickets"!!!!! :shocked: :roftl:
  24. Oh, OK! It looks like 660 is going to be the number of the day. Hi Miek!
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