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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Charlotte, you crack me up!!! :roftl: Did you take that at SLC?
  2. Driving with Mika makes things so much better! He's fun to sing to! Bye Rose! Yesterday, I was at McD's waiting for my no salt fries and singing along. Totally embarrassed myself b/c I looked over and the McD worker was standing outside my window with my order.
  3. Hmmm...I don't know that song. I guess that is a good thing? HI Rose! I think I am heading to the library soon.
  4. Laurel, I'm in America so we wouldn't have actually met. I meant maybe on here? Wow, with all the gifts Mika gets, I wonder how much shopping he needs to do?
  5. Yea, that's a tough one. "you need spf 45 just to stay alive, whoa oh oh lollipop"
  6. Sing Lollipop? That's the song stuck in MY head right now. *off to listen to Katy*
  7. Hi Laurel, how are you? Things are good here but still cold. Have we met?
  8. Wow, what are you going to do with them all. My dental bills would be very high if 400 lollies entered my house. I bought a big bag of lollipops at Sam's once (a warehouse shop) and regreted it!
  9. Yay! I am excited for you! I have something to look forward to! I'll live vicariously through the two of you!
  10. Are Kath and Wendy going to another Mika gig? In Amsterdam? Bring me!
  11. Hi Robi! How are you? I still need to watch the vids you posted.
  12. Oh Charlotte, that sounds like a nightmare! I hate building/home stress. I have a renter and it had been such a headache dealing with them we hired a professional manager. Not that it has anything to do with what you are going through but it reminded me that I have this renter. Hi Kath! You changed your avatar! I almost didn't recognize you!
  13. Hi Miek! I just can't stay away from here.
  14. HI Clare! You're tired? I was yesterday. We had a time change.
  15. Hello oldlings! How is everyone? I'm having my late morning tea.
  16. Wendy, the video was great! He seems so normal and at ease. You all seemed at ease too!!
  17. Darn it, the link is not working. Where was it? Maybe I can find it. Or did you put it on your myspace too?
  18. Hi Mika4Life13, how are you today. Wendy, did you get your lead for your camera yet?
  19. Hi Wendy! Hello everyone! I came on just to do a quick check and I see we are already on part 13! Oh my! I won't be able to be on much today b/c dh is home from work. The time change is also a killer. It's just one hour but still, a pain.
  20. Hi and bye Pooh! I hate to go but I really must clean. My mom is coming tonight. In a few hours.
  21. We have 3 computers on this floor but this one is the fastest! My laptop is pretty slow and I just got a wireless adapter for the other computer that I have to install. No one wants to go downstairs and use the one that is wired to the router.
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