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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Hi Ruth. I'm back from school with the kids. I think we are going to do that mad cleaning before my mom gets here in a few hours. Plus, the kids are fighting for this computer and want me to get off!
  2. Not really. I was just hoping for twins.
  3. Darn it! I have to go. Help out at the school store. Catch you guys later!
  4. Hi Vicky! I wanted twins. I asked the doc where the second one was after my baby was born and he gave me a funny look.
  5. I didn't know that! Yes, they are funny. They even hired Dutch students to work there so it would be all authentic! Loved the gouda from there though!
  6. How embarassing would that be? But, he loves oldlings!
  7. Sounds nice! When I lived in Japan, there was a place called Huis Ten Bosch (I'm not sure how it was spelled). It was a little replica of Holland so that we could "go visit" holland but not actually travel anywhere.
  8. Unappetizing! I could bury it too but they never offered. I thought about freezing th cord blood thought and now wish that I had. Oh well, too late.
  9. I threw away my first one's also. But my second one was born in Japan and there, you are supposed to save it in a plastic egg, like those plastic Easter Eggs and give it to their spouse when they get married. Something like that, anyway. Cut the cord and all when they get married. Symbolization.
  10. Hi FD! How are you? Recovered from London already?
  11. Hi Shari! That was cute! I was expecting Mika pics!
  12. I have IV's so much that just looking at it distracted me from all labour pains! My friend made me give her injections!
  13. I HAVE to watch the needles when they go in. Don't know why. Maybe checking up on them to make sure they do it right? I can't look away!
  14. Aawww! SUCH a cute baby you were, Holly!
  15. We are expecting more snow next week. I'm excited. I did all that shoveling, I at least want it to be the snowiest winter recorded!
  16. Crystal, I see your siggy! Your site might be back up! Isn't that from Sweet Dreams?
  17. Is your winter unusually harsh this year or is it always like that?
  18. Where I am, it's sunny but that is very deceiving! It's still frigid outside! Hi Crystal!
  19. Hi Clare! How are you tonight! And how's Gemma?
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