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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. If Mika could get on Oprah, that would be awesome. Plus his grandmother would be so excited! (I stopped watching Oprah, she seemed to be on too much of a power trip)
  2. Hi Holly! Good luck with the surgery. Just saw your post about the prom dress at the NKOTB concert. At least you stuck out, which I think is a good thing!
  3. Hi Sasje, I don't think we have met. I haven't met Alcam (hevalump) either. I'm Christina
  4. Wow, Suzy, where did you find that? Yes, Rose, that would certainly be a memorable gift! Does Mika use tea bags or loose tea? Just wondering, I'm a bit tea obsessed too.
  5. It would have been MUCH worse to leave them home. All that complaining to deal with!
  6. :roftl: Maybe that is why all those reviewers are always mentioning Mika's gigs with children in the audience. All us mad moms are dragging our kids to the shows so that we can see Mika. Don't have sitters for the kids! And hello!
  7. Hello oldlings! Charlotte, the Mika charity thing sounds SO exciting! I would be up for it. Gosh, sometimes you can see how much time I have around here. And then other times, I'm not around much! Wendy, I am getting anxious for your lead! I am afraid I will miss your post. My mom is coming to visit for the weekend and I won't be around much until Monday. Hi Rose!
  8. I'm good. Glad to hear you got to enjoy the weather outside today. I'll probably be logging out soon. Waiting for a repairman. It was a cold day here where I am so not much time outside.
  9. See, Rose, nail polish is much cheaper than a car! :roftl:
  10. Thanks for the history, dcdeb! Dryer man still not here.
  11. Exactly! This is the one I think of most and or:blink: . OK, actually, all of them!
  12. See, I do the nails (natural ones, not fakes) but not they hair dye! Although I probably should though. Leona, sorry I missed your post earlier. I'm sorry to hear about your mom and you dad.
  13. Random post: I get so used to using our smileys that I try to do that in all my emails and facebook postings.
  14. Have fun dying! I am still waiting for the dryer man. Unless he showed up during the 2 minutes I was outside with the puppy...
  15. Brucci and Milani make a nail polish named Black Cherry. I like the dark colours too. I got on the blue kick. I didn't think I would like blue but I do!
  16. Sorry to hear about your mom. My dad died while I was in college. It is still wierd not to have him around.
  17. Shari, OPI is just a brand. It stands for something, but I forgot what it is. OK, good night to everyone leaving. I'm still here but kids are home so they jump on if I leave for a moment.
  18. I think I am supposed to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't come back, so to speak. It was worrying but everything was ok.
  19. You should check out makeupalley.com, the girls there post and discuss and compare nail polish! Yes, I am a member there too but Mika took over.
  20. I had gestational diabetes and there was no reason for that. I know it is not the same though, as what you have, Leona. That's my only experience with diabetes. I think my uncle has it though. Got diagnosed later in life.
  21. There is a new one called Black Cherry Chutney. I'm going to have to search for Black Cherry. Is it OPI? Between pictures of Mika and my nail polish, my hard drive is full. Not really but I really do need to get photobucket.
  22. Bye Ruth! Hi Sheena and Rose. The kids are home now. I hope for a good day when they don't bicker too much.
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