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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. So far, I think we have had 77.5 inches this winter. We are a flurry away from having the snowiest winter in recent recorded history. We are expecting more snow next week. I hope we break the record because I don't have a snow blower and all that shoveling should be remembered! I desperately need a haircut! Hi Carri!
  2. Thanks for explaining that so well, Ruth. I am getting ALL of the new OPI India colours. Very excited! My other obsession is nail polish. shh... Hi Shari! You're on the mend! Yay!
  3. Hi Leona! Yay on the mid-terms! I always used to get sick after finals. Every year, with out fail.
  4. Hi Vicky! I guess no one remembered to ask Mika about the chicken/ticket thing?
  5. Hi Ruth, glad to hear you are still happy! Yes, Charlotte, I was talking to you. I think of you as the happy go lucky, skippidy doo dah you. It shows in your avie picture. So, how is Spain looking? Possible? I am waiting for the dryer repairman. Had to clean up the area so he can get to it. I'm also excited because I am going to get new nail polish tomorrow!!!
  6. You are too funny. I hope to meet you one day. Did you feel better when you were away for the weekend?
  7. Seems to me, Charlotte, you are attracting all the HOT firemen!
  8. Good doctor's visits are always a good thing! Fun, a meet up!
  9. What makes you so happy today, Elanorelle? Kath, don't go away! I would miss you too much!
  10. Aww, Kath. *big hug* I am so far removed from all the drama. Although, I got caught up with it last week when I was reading but I was not actually there. I got to visit a firestation last week:naughty:
  11. RL is getting in the way here too. But I keep checking back!
  12. I'm sure I'll see you later, Crystal. Bye and have a good class.
  13. Congrats, Christine! Thanks for your hard work and dedication, Nico!
  14. I hope you get your lead soon. I can't wait to see your pics and vids!
  15. Yup, it was the same station. I think it was 101.1, WIXX which is listed as a Top 40 station.
  16. That had me laughing out loud! :roftl: My next door neighbor is a fireman...
  17. no comment on the men in uniform:mf_rosetinted:
  18. Sometimes, I don't answer the door even if I am home and they know it.
  19. Oooh, Wendy, that sounds creepy! I had to call the police on a door to door magazine salesperson. Unfortunately, my husband had given him some money. I tried to cancel and get the money back b/c I knew it was a scam and he took off.
  20. Hello, oldling! How is everyone today. I haven't read back yet.
  21. I like that song too. Glad you liked the concert, Crystal!
  22. My excuse for being here is that my dryer is broken so I can't do laundry! :roftl:
  23. Hi Rose! I think everyone is just waiting. Wendy uploaded pics from her computer to photobucket, Tootch went shopping for exercise shoes, Mamacatt has her daughter home due to a snow day, gosh, I hope I didn't miss anyone. how are you?
  24. Iowa, I think. I haven't met her but she was at the Chicago show and she went to Minneapolis too. *wishes I had gone too*
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