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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. I think it is the name of the town where she lives??
  2. My puppy got freaked out by the snowmen.
  3. It's mid morning now, finishing up the last cup from the pot.
  4. Hi Clare, how are you? I'm having my morning tea.
  5. Hi Mamcatt! I have sewn a sequined dress before so they do make sequined material. What fun!
  6. Bye, AMP! Have a good dinner. It's kind of quiet in here today....
  7. I have heard Leona Lewis quite a bit on the radio here. They have been playing her almost daily for the past few weeks. I have only heard Grace Kelly TWO times , ever! on the radio here. Very sad. I have the radio station's phone number programmed into my cell now. I should start calling.
  8. Hi and bye tooch! Gotta start some workout too...
  9. Oh no! I liked watching vids there! off to check...
  10. I need to get photobucket. I have my pictures backed up onto an external and some are on discs but I just don't trust them. Photobucket is a good idea since I can look at them from anywhere. Do they limit the size?
  11. Hey guys! Just checking in, seeing how things are going. Making tea and having breakfast.
  12. I'm good. Waiting for the primary results. What play are you doing? I loved all the stuff that happens right before opening! All the crazy late after school stuff. What part do you have?
  13. Hi Hilary! I'm on my way out (really!). How are you? I haven't talked to you in awhile.
  14. I'm not making a very good night owl tonight. I'm heading off to bed.
  15. I am getting very strong this winter with all the snow shoveling. Good night.
  16. OK, bye. I am headed out soon too. Talk to you later!
  17. Yea, the job market here can be quite harsh. Like the winters. We are very close to getting the most snow ever (in recent recorded history) in one winter. Yay... we don't have a snow blower.
  18. Me, me! I would love to go dancing with Mika :roftl: I know, I'm just trying to figure out how to make a small siggy vid!
  19. Hi Crystal! I take it the download worked for you? (Saw it a few pages back, I think) I was so excited when that got posted!
  20. I've been to Neenah high school for swim meets. Not very far from me at all. What made you move out to CA? Besides the weather, I mean.
  21. I live in Green Bay now so it's VERY BIG local news. They had the governor on the phone talking about it.
  22. The breaking news here all day long was Bret Favre's retirement. And I mean ALL DAY LONG!
  23. Hello! Did I read a few pages back you were from Wi?
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