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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. That's OK, cause, it seems like I am making the rounds too. Random posts everywhere!
  2. Hey, you've all moved over here! That's ok. How is everyone?
  3. :roftl: I meant you siggy with MIKA's bum wiggling. Although, I don't think I have seen YOUR bum wiggling so I don't know....
  4. Well, I figured out how to "steal" a video today but still need to figure out how to make one. How long does it take for you to get to Victoria, Crystal?
  5. Hi! My first record was a 45 of Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" with "Don't Try Suicide" on the B side. My first concert was Madonna's Like A Virgin tour with the Beastie Boys opening. Wow, I feel old now...
  6. I prefer watching Charlotte's bum wiggling!
  7. I've got to figure out how to get a video clip for the siggy. How to slow it down and all. Those jumping heads are starting to annoy me.
  8. I forgot to say, I have seen you before, Ashley, in the Tonight Show thread or something. You went to the taping with Mika, right? How was it? How did it compare to his live show? It seems tough to replicate his live shows in the TV spots he has done.
  9. I'm in Green Bay, Packer-land. It was "breaking news" ALL DAY LONG. I'm checking out the CNN coverage.
  10. Are you from Victoria, then? My aunt and uncle lived there and my cousin went to Uni there. I was last there for her wedding about 4 or 5 years ago.
  11. Bret Favre is taking over the news. NOTHING on the primaries in the local news here.
  12. I have never really been obsessed with any one (except Ewan McGregor) before. I don't even think I have know all the words to all the songs for any one person or group before. Not even the Grateful Dead!
  13. Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. That is really tough. How old is she? (not that it matters)
  14. Hi Charlotte! My day was spent pretty much here. I had a sick kid at home.
  15. Hi again. Crystal, how is your cat? Hello, Lafashionista!
  16. Time for me to go now. Nice to talk to you today, Diana and Leona.
  17. Oh, I hate to hear that. Talk to you later! I'll be back on later too.
  18. Did you see BonjourMika's vids? You could see everyone jumping at the same time. Very cool. Everything in the place was bouncing at the same time. I was a Lollipop Girl that night so I watched the show from backstage. I didn't see too much of Mika but got to see the audience singing back to him and bouncing!
  19. Goodnight, Rose. See you tomorrow. I am going to have to go soon. Husband is home and dinner is about ready. Then, I have to take the puppy to class. But I'll be here until I HAVE to go!
  20. I think it was for 1000 to 1500, I think. Fairly small club type venue. I didn't actually get to see him, though. The atmosphere was electric!
  21. You could whisper it to us. I can't wait for your report!
  22. I can't really comment since I was not there.
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