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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Hello, Diana. I am sure you are delightful! It was nice, though, to see him in a small-ish venue. The big shows, like stadiums, I find myself watching the performer on the big screen because they are a small dot in the distance!
  2. Yes,mp3's. I love that show! All the current songs on this tour. I get to listen to it in my car too.
  3. You are lucky to have something to look forward to, Rose!
  4. I would love to but then, after the recent threads, the european tour is frightening me! BUT, meeting all the MFCers would be alot of fun!
  5. I think these may work. So you can listen to them on your mp3 player.
  6. :roftl: Have you guys downloaded the full audio of some of the concerts? I LOVE listening to the Bologna show.
  7. OK, would love that! Who's paying for the tickets?
  8. Oh, that stinks! Well, at least there is youtube. When I discovered him, I didn't think I had a chance to see him at all!
  9. Oh, ok! Thanks for explaining that to me. There is so much going on sometimes here!
  10. No, no, no! I am just teasing you. I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything! Not at all. Sometimes, I just sit back and observe the conversation anyway. No, not a race at all.
  11. It looks like all the European ladies have gone to sleep. Crystal, did you get to see Mika in Vancouver?
  12. Crystal is going to pass me in a day or two.
  13. Wow, and look at all your posts! I lurked before I joined and then it took me forever to post!
  14. Good night, Wendy. I look forward to you getting your USB cable! Sweet dreams and see you later.
  15. Hi Zoots, I think it is for 30 and up but anyone is welcome here.
  16. Good night, Robi. Sorry about the confusion with the pictures. Again, they were all great. Sweet dreams.
  17. Rose, can you tell me about the flag? Is it signed by fans?
  18. Good night, Pooh. Feel better soon. Good night, Shari. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.
  19. I had a scare there for a few moments. The MFC server was busy! I have to say, I am really proud of the other LG's in Chicago. We all seemed to take turns and stand back when the others were talking to him. Gosh, the other girls were really good. Now I am worried that I talked too much!
  20. No, I didn't really mean that you lied. I wasn't sure what I was asking either. I was responding to the comment that you had great pictures so I wasn't really sure if that meant pictures you took with your camera or the general Mika pictures you were posting. Sorry if I was unclear. All your pictures were great!
  21. Thanks for the link! I just watched it. Can't see the tea bags though.
  22. Robi, you lied! Your pictures are great! I just found them.
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