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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. I feel like I have so many too. I should really start a photobucket or put them up on myspace. I forget which ones I already have and which ones I should save to my computer too. Who here has a very organized Mika folder?
  2. I feel that if I am gone, I miss SO much around here! I gave him tea too but since I had no idea what he would like, I got him MY favourite tea and I figured, if I didn't meet him, I would keep it for myself.
  3. Video???? I missed the posting of the video. Thanks, dcdeb, for the updated FAQ link.
  4. Robi, do you have your pictures all in one place? I want to see them but don't really want to go through the whole thread. Or just let me know which thread you posted in?
  5. Aaahhh, I see the scar now. You are very observant. Back to Ewan, he has marks on his face too that you can tell if the photo has been worked on or reversed.
  6. Famous? See, I still have so much to learn. Like what is the apple pose and what are all the apples about?
  7. Has anyone else noticed the little brown spot on the whites of Mika's eyes. I thought at first that it was the picture but I have seen it in a few, taken at different times. It's most apparent on the one from the Brits on the front page.
  8. OK, I think I will have to go with Robi on this. Your pictures are
  9. Warning, cooking while browsing the MFC can be very dangerous. Hi Elanorelle!
  10. Goodnight, Clare. Hope to see you tomorrow!
  11. I love Perez, he is nice to my two favourite guys!
  12. Bye Kath, sweet dreams! Dcdeb, I saw that on Perez this morning! We were just (I was anyway) talking about Ewan yesterday! Hello, by the way!
  13. Ha ha! Did everyone run to the front page and news or just me?
  14. Wow! Lucky you! A special surprise for those waiting in the warmth of the lobby! That sounds really great.
  15. Hello, GITB! I have seen pictures and have heard the tartan trousers legend! Nice to meet you.
  16. Wow, you got to hear the sound check! How long did it last? Did he do any actual songs or just bits of them?
  17. How does one even "steal" a video in a signature?
  18. Hi Leona. I was on and off the other day (maybe it was yesterday?) when you were talking about your speech. Yay, glad to hear it went well!
  19. Hi Martine! If I did say anything out of line, please let me know, really. Hi Clare! Sorry to hear about your hips. (Is it a problem when you hear "hips" you immediately think of Mika singing Hips Don't Lie? ) Hi Crystal. Nice computer skills. I haven't ventured into the video arena. You tech savvy oldlings need to have a class for the rest of us! Shari, Hi! Are you feeling better now? I hope so. Kath, I like the coziness here! Oh, and Hi Pooh! Gosh, I hope I didn't miss anyone!
  20. I know what you mean. I couldn't help myself and posted some. I hope I didn't say anything too bad. If I did, you can PM me and let me know! Sorry, I left earlier, I got lagged out and I took it as a sign to get some things done around here.
  21. Hi guys! I came on just to check if there was any news. Nothing, huh?
  22. That's cool, Megan and Haley! I was just coming here to post to thank Melanie for her short vids. Thank you Melanie, they were great! I really loved the way you could see the audience jumping at the same time. My boys were sitting on the railings and they said they were jumping too, whether they wanted to or not!
  23. Robi, Congratulations! I like your new avie, btw. OK, I'm off. See you guys later!
  24. There still seems to be no news and I have to get going soon. With my luck, it will get announced as soon as I log off!
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