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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. I'm here, kind of. I keep checking back. Right now, I'm dealing with the yarn, trying to find my yarn winder to see how damaged it all is. Knitting needles are GONE. Completely eaten.
  2. Aahh! I am so upset at the moment. My puppy got into my knitting and ATE my knitting needles and tore up my yarn.
  3. :roftl: I wonder how long it will take before the next one comes out?
  4. Hi Silver. You are right too. I am trying not to get sucked into all the drama. So, are you off the Mika cloud? How are you doing?
  5. Good, went and shoveled more snow but the kids will be home soon. It's an early release day which means they come home 2 hours earlier than usual. In about 20 minutes, actually. What's making your Friday fantastic?
  6. Hi Clare! Hope to see you back soon, Leona.
  7. What's Monday? That image of the great aunt w/ lavender hair is funny! Well, there's Leona Lewis now. I can't believe the airtime she has been getting lately! Unbelievable! OK, I am going to go for just a bit. I'll be back in 10...
  8. I think his management needs to be more prepared and firm but then when they are, people get upset about that too. Maybe it's because he is still fairly new. Plus, Mika seems like a really nice guy. Maybe if he were more curt with his fans? Yes, the more you give, the more people will start to expect. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. They try to do something nice and people complain.
  9. I asked because I am Christina, (with an A, I used to say) and I don't respond if I am called Chris, Christine, or any other derivations. Not out of spite or anything now, but I just don't think they are talking to me.
  10. I don't know, first time for this type of thing for me too. Did you read the concert conduct thread? I think other fan clubs, the official ones, are more business like. Can't make everyone happy, I guess.
  11. Thanks for your report, Lilacmandi. It sounds like you had a great time! So glad you got a balloon. How nice of security to put your coat safely away so that you could enjoy the show. Ouch, I hope the girl that took a tumble is OK. Have not heard about security HELPING people on stage. Sounds like a fun gig!
  12. Ouch on the dental bills! Medical bills scare me. Yes, that is why I really try not to post anything controversial but it happens. I personally hate bickering. I have enough of that in my house!
  13. CharlotteChristy, I have to ask, what do you prefer to be called? I am not sure what to address you as. That is an interesting theory about your home making you sick! Maybe you can find out when you go away this weekend. If you feel better when you are gone and then feel sick again when you get home, you will know for sure. Paint fumes are no fun.
  14. Hi Char, Hi Leona! Char, are you feeling better? I take it you are since you are going this weekend. Leona, I just came in from shoveling MORE snow. This is getting ridiculous and too repetitive! I like the snow but I don't enjoy the shoveling. I left the end of the driveway for later. How are YOU? Yes, Shari was too sick to go. There certainly has been a lot of drama lately. I tried to restrain myself but I responded. I hope I didn't stick my foot in my mouth. I do that sometimes.
  15. Hello.....are there any oldlings in the house?
  16. Well, I think each show is special for whatever reason. The nice gestures should be taken as a nice gesture. I don't think it would be reasonable to start EXPECTING nice things and being upset when it doesn't happen. NOT that I am saying anyone here is saying that. Wishing is one thing, dreaming, hoping maybe but not expecting. Who knows what will happen, you know? This after party was a very nice thing to do and a great way to end a long tour!
  17. Rose, I am SOOO happy for you! It sounds like you had a really great time! Sariflor, I am also things went well for you too! That's very exciting about your shirt! I am at a loss for what to say about the disappointment of the others that waited patiently for their turn but didn't get their chance. I suppose we will have to wait and see how this all shakes out. V Uncool though, if these initial reports are a true representation of what happened.
  18. I have to go to a thing. I will be back in a few hours and I, too, am afraid of how many pages I will have to read to catch up! Carry on...
  19. Hi Hazel! Tell her that she should get all rested. We will be here when she is ready. (as if we would go anywhere:naughty: )
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