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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Everybody, check the times on the PM's. JK or not. I REALLY hope that he got it and was just too busy to update us. What time did the USPS say it was delivered? Hi elanorelle, btw!
  2. I had PM'd FD today and he had not gotten it yet. However, I don't know if he got it before he left work to head to London. Waiting for news too.
  3. That was exactly what I was afraid of! I didn't want to piss him off and take pictures of him when he didn't want them. So I restrained myself. At least you have pics to look at!
  4. Hey Kath! Great to see you here. I had a splitting migraine, took a nap and logged on to see if anything was new before leaving for piano. Great picture of Mika and Wendy! He looks like he had a haircut too. Just curious, what kind of tea does Mika like? Would love to know.
  5. Hi Silver. There were some reviews. Carri did one. I am getting some of it all mixed up now but I think there was a stage invasion again during Lollipop, Mika fell off and Iceman had to push him back up on stage (still a funny image in my mind! ), Andy was told to sit down during Yelle b/c he was wildly dancing. I think some said his voice was better, he was having fun but that there was less talking (?). And Wendy and Kath got backstage passes and Carri, SL, Jemma went along. Hmm... those are the points I remember about it. How are you? Are you back down to earth now after seeing Mika?
  6. I am ok. I think I am getting an eye headache. I hope it doesn't get worse. Maybe I should take something for it. How was the earthquake, Clare? I think you posted that you felt it? Is your house OK? Was anything broken?
  7. I hate sitting at home when my hair and makeup look nice. Although, when I am at home is when I DO have time to do all that. I love being in PJs though. I wish it were acceptable to wear them out. Oh well.
  8. Hi Clare, hi Char, Ruth has come and gone now. I was reading the Brixton thread too. Don't know what's going on with the there. Jumping queues and all. I hope you feel better soon Char.
  9. Thanks for the update, FD. I will think good thoughts for the next 2 hours in hopes that it gets there.
  10. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. The death of a pet is as real as the death of a parent or another loved one. Believe me, I know. Our family had a dog and she died 3 days short of 13. The kids had known her their whole life and it was really hard. It took us a year and a half before we were ready to have another dog. Hugs to you.
  11. I hope you are all OK. I'm glad to hear no one seemed to have gotten seriously hurt. I have lived in earthquake areas but have never experienced one. I imagine it would be very scary, even a small one.
  12. Hello oldling! I have to go catch up on the gig thread from last night. It was very quiet there after the earthquake. Oh, Shari, glad to hear you were OK after it.
  13. Hi Shari, REALLY hope you feel better soon! Try Lactinex or some type of probiotics to counter act the antibiotics in your gut.
  14. I hope everyone is OK with the earthquake! Rose, great to hear you had a good time!
  15. I was also wondering if there was any news but did not want to stress anyone out or anything.
  16. Congrats, BluesSky! Thanks to everyone that has posted a report even though you must be exhauseted! We never tire of hearing about the gig.
  17. Yes, he is. Turning the table, asking YOU all the questions. Darn him! We know his tricks now though. I'll take the senior discount but they have to make it over 38 or so. Yea, those eyes....
  18. OMG, you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you meant that MIKA was on the phone at first. Silly oldling that I am. Yea, me too. Things to ask him like "chicken"? I totally forgot but hopefully, they won't!
  19. I was going to say, how frustrating, then I saw this: Hmm... a mystery but lucky you!
  20. But it is quiet this week since many of them are at the shows.
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