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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Hi Ruth! Are you looking forward to Thursday?
  2. OK, I'm confused again. Is it this one or the other one under news and press? Wants to subscribe to correct thread.
  3. That inner teenager never goes away. That's why you see old ladies that have been friends forever acting so silly. That's what I hope to be like with my friends in my old age. Keeps us young!
  4. I'll send you my get well vibes. Don't worry though, as soon as you see him on stage, you will forget all your pains and illness.
  5. :roftl: So true. Although some of us try to look dignified in front of the children.
  6. Hi Shari, Hi Martine. I was just on the other thread. Glad to hear Wendi and Kath are there OK. Excited to hear Carri got front. And Rose too.
  7. Caz, thanks for the pictures! They were great! Oh, btw, I love your hair. *jealous*
  8. Sorry to hear it is on again. I hope March is better for you health-wise. My hubby has something too that he just can't shake off. Hmm...not good.
  9. Thanks. I can't seem to keep up with everything here. Always feeling a bit lost.
  10. How far away is it from you? Sorry, my geography of England is weak. I understand wanting to travel with a friend.
  11. Are you not able to go to any of the shows in London? Yea, I bet they are all out having fun. It will be busy here once they return.
  12. I read about DaMango's story on the Vancouver thread. She is a singer and Mika knew that when he met her without her saying anything about it. I think she had her info on her myspace page. Now my question, what competition did CazGirl win? I missed that. Thanks!
  13. It's very quiet in here again today. I guess it's because they are all at the show. Have fun guys!
  14. I am appalled at their behavior towards you! That is so unacceptable! Good for you for learning to play on your own. You showed great character to get up there and proceed with your performance. Good for you!
  15. Thank you so much, Blue Eyes, for those pictures! The were amazing.
  16. Have fun everyone that's going tonight! I look forward to reading your reports.
  17. Hey oldling! How is everyone? Have fun to all that are going tonight!
  18. I just wanted to post my simple thoughts on this subject. This is in no way directed at anyone. Things are changing and that is always hard. We are, in a way, lucky here in the US because he is not as popular here YET. The venues have been smaller and therefore, there are less people. It is extremely tiring after a show that you have given your all to then turnaround and give EVEN more. Especially knowing that you have to turn around and do it again the next day. Traveling and touring is grueling. As an artist gets larger and more successful, access to them will diminish. I feel really sad for all the fans that still wish to meet him. I imagine it is more difficult when you read about others that have had an awesome experience when you haven't had anything. It is a valid feeling! It almost seems unfair. Please don't flame me. Also, with regards to Chicago, I know for a fact that Mika and family left immediately after on the big tour bus. They were traveling overnight. I'm sorry to hear the security guards told people an untruth.
  19. Glad to hear you are on the mend and that everything worked out OK for you! Yay!! Big sigh of relief! :yay:
  20. Good luck with the Huffin' and the Puffin'!
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