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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Thanks for your reports! I spent just about all day (on my very slow computer) reading through them all. I have yet to see Mika live in the audience so I really appreciated all the detailed reports. Mana, what a way to end your Mika tour! Simply amazing! You are a very lucky girl! Sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks again.
  2. I can't wait to see the video! Thanks for the link to the easter egg on the DVD. I will have to go check that out. OK, I can't take it anymore. The computer I am on is way too slooooow tonight. I am going to log out and reboot and see if it helps. If it doesn't, I will see all of you another night.
  3. Yea, but I wanted him to sign the INSIDE booklet. Oh well. That's what you get when he starts talking about other things and distracts you, I guess. I loved your scrapbook by the way!
  4. HI guys! Ok, what easter egg? What do we get to see with it? I love that DVD. I have bought it 3 times now. 2 for me and one for a friend b/c I wanted her to watch it.
  5. Wow, that book is amazing! You are definitely a creative genius!
  6. Woohooo, officially, we have gotten 71.5 inches of snow so far this winter.
  7. I have NO idea how they went about choosing who to be LG's. Amanda (mandilambi) wasn't from Chicago either. Maybe we'll get your warm up soon! Hey, I think I am at 400 posts!
  8. I'm in Wisconsin. About 3-4 hours straight north of Chicago, unless you are driving in a blizzard, then it is about 8 hours.
  9. We got at least a foot today. Everything was cancelled, it was a blizzard like.
  10. I just sent mine in to gmail. Please let me know if you didn't get it.
  11. Thanks, Jess! I don't know what you will come up with but I know it will be amazing. The last one was great!
  12. Hi everyone! That is terrible news about Chreisse. I am sure they will pull it off somehow. Where did Nadja go?
  13. Lucky you! Are you going to get to hear the whole show again? Goodnight, I have to catch up on my book reading. I've been reading too much MFC lately.
  14. Good night! I think I am going to go too. I am behind in my reading.
  15. Thanks! Don't worry about it, I am the queen of not mailing stuff. I hope it works! I don't know why, but sometimes, my CD burns don't work. I'm just excited to get it one day.
  16. Maybe, if we are REALLY lucky, he will come back again in the fall. But I think sometimes, the poor boy needs a break and travel less. Not that I would tell him NOT to come!
  17. Yea, I have been named Lollipop girl on my friend's facebook group. At least I'm making them all aware of Mika. Hi Leonita! My brother doesn't have a back yard, he lives in a flat. He has a park nearby though. A Midwest Mika fest would be alot of fun!
  18. Aww, you are so sweet to say that. I am glad things worked out the way they did too and I got a chance to meet you. It was great watching the show with you too! I think the likelihood of Mika coming back to Chicago is pretty high. If I am still living here when he goes to Chicago, I will DEFINITELY be there! How about you? BTW, how was your Valentine's day?
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