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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Hi guys! I see the same familiar people waiting for reports. It's so much fun with you all! What are we going to do when this tour ends? So sad....
  2. My thought EXACTLY! I much rather would have watched Mika speak than hedgehogs and Larry the Cable guy in a speedo! Ok, really, I'm going to bed now.
  3. No, don't. I think those are repeats of last week's. So maybe NEXT week, you will get the repeat. See, I went and edited my post. It's late and I don't make sense now.
  4. That's OK. I think people would like to see whatever you have. I got it on Tivo but we got a darn weather warning during it. Did you get to see it though? OK, it's late. I make no sense now.
  5. Welcome to the madness and addiction that is the MFC!
  6. Dang it! My Mika got interupted by a weather warning!! Grrr... Go Megan, I hope you got this!
  7. You are going to put this on youtube, right? That would be so cool. I have a DVD recorder but have not figured out how to put that onto my computer. Some of us oldlings are a bit slow on these kind of things.
  8. I missed that! I went back but Tivo didn't record the part when they said "and music by Mika". More animals....
  9. I don't know what it looks like, just that he said in Chicago that he had a really cool hoodie that he wanted to wear but they wouldn't let him. Maybe it was this one?
  10. I'm watching Leno right now. Waiting for him to come on. I can't wait! Maybe that was the really cool hoodie that he said he wanted to wear when he was in Chicago?
  11. That actually would be fun! One of the best parts of the concert for me was to meet some of the people that post here and get to see them in person. My brother lives in Chicago, too.
  12. Bye Hoochatootch. Hi and Bye Shari. Kid number 1 is home and the others should be here shortly. Thanks for the offer of confetti. Somehow, we only ended with 4 confetti pieces. Keep it so that YOU can sprinkle it around and imagine while the DVD plays.
  13. Wouldn't that be awesome! Dreaming.... But, I have to say, he DOES need to get into the studio so that we can have another CD. THEN the tours again.
  14. I was trying but he kept going back to Minneapolis!
  15. The kids will be home within the next 10 minutes, then it's off to piano lessons and all that other driving around stuff. Reading the gig reports are fun but kinda sad, no more shows to look forward to...
  16. I have a Lollipop Girl bracelet that MandiLambi made me that we wore on stage and that is still on but, sadly, I think it may be time for it to go. She made my night last night when she posted the pics she took of me and Mika. CharlotteChristy, I know what you mean about him turning the tables and interviewing YOU. He did that to me too! It took a good 3-5 minutes of me trying to explain where I lived and then I gave up. Doesn't matter anyway.
  17. Hi Tootch, how are you? I am taping Leno tonight. Heard Mika was going to be on!
  18. Hi Leona, how were classes today. Are you back to real life too?
  19. I think I have crashed and real life has set back in. Stinks, I tell you. \ Nobody here in my real life wants to hear about it.
  20. Wendy, I see you are not here but maybe you will read this later. I am SO glad to see that your son made it home safely! I hope he is doing alright.
  21. Hi everyone! Just HAD to stop by. Kids will be home soon and then we are off again.
  22. You are absolutely right. Thank you so much for taking those! I wasn't going to log on tonight but I'm so glad I did. You totally made my night!!!!
  23. Amanda, Thanks so much for posting these for me to see! I can't wait to get the disk! Did you see the ones CharlotteChristy posted when she was talking to Mika? I was thinking about taking pictures of him when he first walked into that room we were in, before the stairwell but I didn't want to scare him off or make him mad at us or anything. I wish I had now.
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