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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Hi Leona! I'm not sure, I didn't see that one. Yes, his eyes...that was what I noticed most, staring right back at you---dark and deep. He holds a stare quite well.
  2. OK, I feel all caught up over in the LA thread. It sounded like everyone had a great time. And, the weather was agreeable.
  3. Thanks for the reports! It sounds like Mika is really having a great tour. I hope he comes back real soon. And waiting in line at 73F is definitely better than freezing in the midwest! CharlotteChristy, you were brave to take those pictures. I loved them. I thought about taking them like that but I didn't want to offend him or anything.
  4. Oh Wendy, thank goodness he had his passport with him! What a whole other mess that would have been! I am trying to get through the LA reports too. I was supposed to go out today but it is snowing AGAIN so I will hibernate here with my tea. Can someone tell me about Charlotte and VIP? It sounds great! I haven't gotten to that part but I did jump around pages when I started reading. I decided to start again and go page by page. Thanks!
  5. Oh, Wendy, I am so sorry to hear that. That stinks, especially the loss of all the photos! Hugs.
  6. Hi Taylor! Lately, I have been all over the different threads. No one is from where I am though.
  7. These live reports are so much fun but I will have to go soon and by tomorrow, I will be so behind! Thanks StandardToaster!
  8. Bye everyone. Hmmm....it seems like everyone shows up when I have to go....very strange.
  9. Well, kids will be home soon. Gotta go and do mom stuff, like driving them around. No taxes yet but I have Turbotax, not installed or anything though... It was nice to talk to you, Leonita.
  10. I was trying really hard NOT to listen to their conversation, believe it or not, since I felt it may have been private. A meet and greet would be fun. I wish my photo with him turned out better. My hair looked horrible after wearing a wig and he was talking or something when the photo was taken. Oh well. I hope he is enjoying the warmer LA weather now.
  11. I'm sorry to hear that. Well, at least you felt no pain while he was on stage. I hope it didn't kick in the next day, the pain, that is.
  12. Tylenol 3, are you sick? I am so glad the concert was last week during fairly mild Chicago weather for Feb. This weeks' weather would have been MISERABLE!
  13. Yea, I was afraid for them. One of mine wanted to be right up front but I told him No. They LOVED it. They had seen the DVD, all those youtube videos so they knew what to expect. They sang along, and just took it all in. It was their first concert ever. Not counting orchestra concerts.
  14. Aww, good night, Kath. It was nice to see you here!
  15. No, unfortunately. I did not think to bring 2 cameras so I had the only camera backstage with me. Oh well, he said the woman he was standing next to got thrown out for having a camera and she was screaming about it. They let her back in after she checked her camera in. He got a good spot though, with the kids, next to the soundboard on the little riser above the mosh pit. I was afraid Mika would pull people up and the kids would get crushed.
  16. Hi Leonita! I don't think we have officially met. I'm Christina and I have seen you over at the Chicago HOB thread.
  17. Yes, those were really nice photos. I made a folder just for them on my computer.
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