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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. He should be on any second for you now, Robi! Then your son can go watch Grey's.
  2. Mika is interviewed at the top of the hour on the E! red carpet.
  3. On the TV guide one, he comes on right before Natasha. After Alicia Keys, I think.
  4. I'm good. Doing the monday laundry, checking in on this site. Hi! How exciting! About the show, not the essay.
  5. Hi Clare, it doesn't look like anyone is here today. How was your Mom's birthday?
  6. Hello and welcome, Nella. Glad you got to see him live.
  7. Hi and welcome to the MFC! I took my sons to see Mika too. My oldest one is almost 12.
  8. Welcome to the MFC, Erica.
  9. Candboys


    Welcome to the MFC!
  10. Welcome to MFC, glad you got to see him live.
  11. Everyone that is going tonight, have a great time!!! I look forward to reading all about it.
  12. Hello fellow oldlings! CharlotteChristy, I am so glad that you got to experience the SLC show. Thanks for letting dcdeb hear. I was following that thread when it was happening. You are lucky that you get to see him TWICE! I wish I could see him again...it will probably be a long while until that happens, I think.
  13. I saw, before they interviewed him, they got a close up of his shoe. It was background when someone else was being interviewed.
  14. Yes, and he was interviewed during the red carpet thing in E!. I did not see the one on the TV Guide though. Does anyone know if that one will repeat?
  15. Just about. I don't know how he pulled himself together for that song. I would have lost it. Poor guy.
  16. Thanks Mandilambi for posting all those links for pictures and articles. If anyone has any pictures or finds pictures from HOB, especially from Lollipop, could you let me know? The only ones I have seen of me as a Lollipop girl are the ones from Eric's facebook that he posted back on page 19 or 20. Thanks. I would really love to see some pictures of me up on stage with Mika. Christina
  17. Hey, LadyGodiva! That is so great that he is still wearing your bracelets and that there are such clear pictures of them!
  18. Yea, I just saw that. :thumbdown: It doesn't surprise me though, since not many people know him here.
  19. I recorded it but have no idea yet how to turn it into something I can share. Sorry, I'm still learning.
  20. I recorded it but have no idea how to turn it to something you all can see! I'm so glad they interviewed him. I hope he is well rested.
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