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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Thanks for the pictures. I did a double take on the gap underwear. Yup, it's gap. We have that here too. And I thought he had custom drawers.
  2. Ha, that sounds like my boy exactly! I'm back from snow shoveling. It is FREEZING out. I'm making hot cocoa now.
  3. That's funny! :roftl: OK, I have to go outside and shovel snow. My arms are going to be all bulked up by the end of this winter with the amount of snow we have had and hubby is still at work.
  4. OK, I'll go look for one. where do I send it? Wait, I'll go read the original post. Thanks, robi!
  5. The whole myspace is new for me. I went to Mikasounds and left a comment and then I deleted it. I will have to write another one and not sound obnoxious or anything. Robi, can I still do the baby picture thing or is it really too late?
  6. Hi, I'm back. I uploaded some pics into myspace, still trying to figure it out. I left a message for Mikasounds but then deleted it because it sounded stupid and bad. I will have to rephrase.
  7. Ha ha! That was SOOO funny! :roftl: Thanks for sharing!
  8. OK, found them. Cute one of Scooby in the litlr box. You have some stills from the BG video there too. It's tomorrow morning. I'm still debating whether to take her. I don't know how long it will last and I need to take my son to cello lesson and orchestra rehersal in the afternoon. We'll see.
  9. Rose, I am so glad he didn't cancel either. I really wish I were there. It looked amazing. I wouldn't have thought the refund would have been necessary for me either. OK, I'll be back.
  10. Thanks, Clare. She looks older now. Not so puppy-ish. I am converting the BG video for ipod right now. I have to take one of my sons to a friend's house. How nice, one less kid today!
  11. Hi Clare. My puppy is on my myspace profile picture. Her call name is Mika and her registered name is Istari's Love Love Me.
  12. Hi Carri, I found Theo. Where were you and Evie? I had the other version on my ipod. Thanks for the link to that one. I didn't know there were 2 either. I love the ending of the one you sent me. It was cute.
  13. I would have paid extra too. Again, LUCKY! They got to hear how great his voice really is.
  14. yea, I really AM going to go to bed now. It was nice to meet you all. OK, one more time in SLC before I go but goodnight! I hope all the pictures got through to you, Amanda. Thanks for the add.
  15. Hi Vanessa, nice to meet you. I am flipping btwn this and the SLC to see what's going on. It sounded like a great night.
  16. Uncurled hair AND acoustic, wow! I can't wait to see pictures. Thanks hillary, for the report I may not be up for your next post.
  17. Thanks, Amanda! I'll go add that right now so I don't forget later.
  18. I am good but I'm tired now. I don't think we have met, have we? I'm Christina. How are you?
  19. What other colours were there? I had an orange one, Meyer twins had a blue one and you have a green one. I think there was yellow.
  20. Ha ha! :roftl: I should have thought about taking a picture of it in the car before I deflated it. That's great! I was afraid it would pop and then I would have these scrappy balloon pieces so I decided it would be best to try to preserve the balloon intact.
  21. Tired? No, seriously, just a few more minutes and I am going to bed. Hurry, please?
  22. I guess we are all sitting over at the SLC thread?
  23. Hi Amanda! Oh sure! Let me go se how many you have.
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