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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. He gets all bent out of shape if it is slightly out of tune. I can't help him tune it either! How long has she been playing?
  2. Glad to hear that, Wendy. I'm sitting on my son to practice his cello before his lesson Sunday.
  3. Hello, fellow oldlings? How are you doing? How was the car this morning, Wendy?
  4. Have a great time you guys! I can't wait for the reports and pictures. Sigh...I wish I could go with you all.
  5. Eric, thank you SO much for sharing those! I was the Lollipop girl next to Mandilambi. I can see myself in all 3 pictures you took during Lollipop! The first one, I am in the background while Mika is singing. Again, thank you so much for sharing these! Christina
  6. Deb, did you get a response yet for the shirts? I wanted to buy one with hopefully the 2008 tour dates on it. I didn't get a chance to buy anything. I also want those keychains.
  7. OK, I have to go for awhile. I have a parent meeting for my son's school for next year. I guess that is fairly important that I should be there for it.
  8. Goodnight Wendy, I hope you feel better tomorrow and your car starts right away!
  9. Mika was 51 pounds today. I had her weighed when I picked her up from boarding. She is still growing though. Wow, 35kg is pretty big! OK, goodnight Carri.
  10. Thanks for the links, I'm looking at them now. Interesting....because I have an Alaskan Malamute, which is a large breed and they are fairly big boned too.
  11. do you find feeding them the chicken carcass to be expensive? How is the cost compared to dry doggy food? Right now, we have switched to Eukanuba puppy.
  12. fresh breath too, that may be worth a try. What kind of dog do you have Carri? Is it a scottie like in your sig?
  13. Mine would like that. I am trying to figure out what gets he tummy upset. We used cooked chicken for treats in puppy class and in conformation class and both times she had a bit of yucky poo. I don't know if it was the chicken or the excitement/stress of attending a new class with new people and new dogs.
  14. Maybe, or I can put the whole thing in a ziplock bag. Good thing I have 2 DVD's.
  15. I'm good. I was tired today. Now, back to reality and everyday life. I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. Illness is going around here now.
  16. Hi Pooh. How are you? The kids are home now so I may seem more scatter brained than before.
  17. I love your pictures! I love that you got one of our little corner. The first one is Mika signing my DVD but he signed the OUTSIDE and now it is getting smeared and rubbed off. And there he is with my sharpie that he kept.
  18. Thanks, I like that picture too. The other 3 girls were so nice and we really had a great time (I thought) together. We sat and chatted and got to know each other. That was really nice. My first MFC meet up! The pictures of me after the show were horrid. The wig really ruins a hairstyle. BUT, the wig was really cute when it was on.
  19. Hi elanorelle, Hi Carri. There was a thing on myspace looking for lollipop girls for Chicago, Minneapolis, San Francisco and Vancouver. I submitted my picture and listed my height and dress size. That was all, really. I got a call about it on Saturday morning. I guess I was just really lucky because they said they did get a big response for the Chicago show. I didn't ask what they were looking for or how they went about choosing. How is Evie's hair doing? Is it all better now?
  20. Hi Sarahlou! Basically, we were escorted backstage, waited in a room with the opening band, Midway State, got led up to the wardrobe room where Yasmine and Mika's mom were, got dressed in LG costumes, makeup was blush and freckles, went back to waiting room, saw band and Mika before they went on, went to the other side of the stage to watch them. Didn't see too much but watching the audience's reacation was neat. We had the best seat in the house for when Mika got up on the drum set, shirtless, and did his wiggly dance. Went out for Lollipop, there were 4 of us, utter chaos, lots of fun. There wasn't a proper ending b/c Mika pulled a few people on stage. I got to jump up and down with him. He turned to me and said "jump! jump!" That was great! We got to meet him afterwards, they were really pushing to get out of there fast. Gave him my favourite tea and an infuser mug, he was excited and said it was perfect and that he would use it on the bus that night. I also gave him a book for Yasmine, it was one my friend wrote so I was really excited that someone took a picture of Mika with it. Venue was strict with cameras so I am still waiting on youtube posts but here is one that is out. I was the second LG skipping out on stage.
  21. Wow! You are like cliff notes! You need to do these summaries every 10 or 20 pages so we can all get caught up in a flash.
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