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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Oh no! TMI. When we lived in California, I could buy really fresh brussel sprouts that were still attached to the stems. Yummy...
  2. bye Carrie! Have fun. I like all the fore mentioned foods, fish, broccolli, cauliflower, cheese and brussel sprouts! I am cooking dinner afterall...
  3. Your dinners always sound good! Odlings...you may be onto something!
  4. Some pizza, some spaghetti, some curry, a little bit of alot of things. almost 6 p.m.
  5. It's getting late for you ladies. I was going to make dinner but realized we have lots of leftovers that need to be eaten. Yay! Hi Sheena, not sure if I should be offended... but I'll decide not to be.
  6. Good night, Ruth. Is everyone leaving now? It's only 5:40pm where I am.
  7. Good night, Leona, see you later!
  8. All right, weealx, good night. Sweet dreams to you.
  9. That's such a pretty picture! Was that the red you were dying your hair? Looks great with the green St. Patty's shirt!
  10. That's what I said about Ewan McGregor 9 years ago but he still grew up. Oh, you mean Alphabeat or something? Didn't they do a remix of Mika's Lollipop for the new single release? I wanted that single... Haha! I have that notebook!
  11. Haha! That's funny! He does this jedi mind trick though, where you forget EVERYTHING you meant to tell him or wanted to ask him and you just go with it. Btw, I was in the background of the picture I posted of Mika singing.
  12. Yea.... It will be interesting to see how Mika grows up. I mean, he already is a man but he's only 24.
  13. My husband was a skinny bean pole too until he hit about 26-28 years. Then he filled out a bit. He was so lanky before!
  14. I get them from my husband so I guess that I would be used to them. And I did get to meet Mika when he came to Chicago a few months ago.
  15. They are only 12, 9 and 7 but compared to their friends here in the midwest, they seem small. Plus, they are on the lean (skinny) side.
  16. Honestly, I don't remember anything. I didn't really get a hug, just a side hug. Maybe I am immune to hugs from tall men!
  17. Yea, but it seems to have no affect on my own boys. Good night, Ruth, if you are going...
  18. Wow, that's pretty tall. My husband is about 6'3" I think and he seems short next to his brothers.
  19. Good night, MM. OK, my first one was 6 pounds, 8 ounces and when we saw a 9 pound baby in the nursery, he looked gigantic!
  20. Good night, Kath! Catch you next time.
  21. I never thought about it that way but you are right. My nephew is named Duncan, his momma's maiden name.
  22. 9! Oh wow. I sometimes wonder how I can handle just 3! How many cats do you have?
  23. Hello, GITB! Welcome back, Leona:wink2: I had my babies on a different coast each time.
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