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About ALE

  • Birthday 10/02/1989


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    Mika, shock shock me!

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  1. Thank you so much for the nicest welcome to here. Is nice to have a neighbor in here Lucy
  2. Hahaha so funny topic! well I think if I be in the same airplane with him, mmm someone has to kick me to let me get out of my shock xDDD and then can talk with him and let him know what i think about his music,and of course all my body will be shacking that he note that and may be say to me... Relax, take it easy xD Never say never
  3. Thank you all for the welcome to this amazing forum!!! I really like it Yes I love Finland hehe nop that's not my lastname, is my nickname is just that I'm a big fan of The Rasmus music too, and that's the reason of why I love Finland hehe , but in this moment I'm becoming into a big fan of Mika music too. I love the messages of lyrics of this amazing guys:thumb_yello:, and I know that genres are very different but Mika music conquest me for some reason .
  4. Hello! I'm Alejandra, I love Mika music, for what lyrics says and for those happy and originals rythms. I look his myspace but i don't really care about his music then i begun to watch in music channels his Grace Kelly video, and love it!!! And then discover that Guatemalan radio put his song a lot, so I bought the album, and love more and more Mika sounds . I really like to now more information about him and their music, and of course make Mika fans friends
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