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Everything posted by DanaCheaib

  1. I don't know, I think I'd have a heart attack the moment I see him:bleh:
  2. haha, the skinny man:bleh: the perfect name for a Mika super hero
  3. You guys have a point when you say he looks italian, spanish... but allmost all lebanese have that kind of look.. for example, whenever I go on vacation ppl would think my dad is portuguese but he actually is 100% lebanese. Lebanese don't allways look very arabic.
  4. Waw! This is all great. Thanks a lot for everything everyone:D The reports, the pics and the vids made me feel I was there with you guys (esp CaroLollipop, so lucky!). Unfortunetly, I live in a land far, far away.. Dubai:mf_rosetinted: Have fun in Toronto for those who are going!
  5. I knew it! ahh! Parle a ma main is no Britney Spears, so it's ok..
  6. Comment tu sais que je parle francais?
  7. James Blunt... This guys is too boring...
  8. My radio is so slow, you guys were like rihanna ahh... and I was still listening to the nominations.. you guys ruined it for me:sneaky2:
  9. yeyy!!!!!!!! hahaha, parle a ma main! hahaha!
  10. hey.. at least we've got the radio..
  11. "Mika, il s'est casse la figure" haha
  12. it's pretty cool that we heard him.. like when he was saying it, it was ACTUALLY hapening.. I'm such an idiot:bleh:
  13. "une veste rose et une chemise blanche" --> Mika!!
  14. nah.. it's just James Blunt.. hi btw
  15. I love snow, even if it is sunny in Mikaland:bleh: and the pictures are great!
  16. I hope he wins!! But, quick question... Is there a thread or something for Mika's Grammy nomination? I'm really curious about what you guys had to say about it.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUEnxv6UHD8 Look at him at around 4:30...
  18. Yeah!! That's so true! and maybe monkey ears...
  19. I wouldn't have the guts to say anything...I'll probably blurt out that my birthday is in august! But if I did have the guts, I would ask him if he likes chocolate? But I think he allready answered that question somewhere... Did he?
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